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10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Time-Modulation of Two-Body Weak Decays with Massive Neutrinos P. Kienle Excellence Cluster.

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Presentation on theme: "10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Time-Modulation of Two-Body Weak Decays with Massive Neutrinos P. Kienle Excellence Cluster."— Presentation transcript:

1 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Time-Modulation of Two-Body Weak Decays with Massive Neutrinos P. Kienle Excellence Cluster “ Universe ” Technische Universit ä t M ü nchen “Sunshine by Cooling” P. Kienle, Naturwissenschaften 88 (2001) 313

2 Time-Dependence of 2-Body EC- and ß b - Decays with Mono-Energetic Neutrinos and Anti-Neutrinos observed in a Storage Ring  M.Jung et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992)2164Yu.A.Litvinov et al. Phys.Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 262501 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

3 In-Flight separation of projectile fragments Cocktail of isotopic beams Production & Separation of H-like Nuclei Mono-isotopic beam ->degrader (dE/dx~ Z²) followed by magnetic analysis, injection delay ~ 0.5  s 0.5μs bunched 500 MeV/u 152 Sm beam on a 1 g/cm² Be target 400MeV/u bunched 140 Pr 58+, 142 Pm 60+, 122 I 52+ H- like ions Bare 90%; H 10%; He 0.3%

4 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle The Experimental Storage Ring ESR since 1990 at GSI Darmstadt, C = 108m, B  = 10 Tm, vacuum 10 -11 mb

5 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Stochastic and Electron Cooling in the ESR Fast stochastic pre-cooling @ E= 400 MeV/u of few fragments followed by precision electron cooling Combiner- Station long. Pick-up transv. Pick-up long. Kicker transv. Kicker ESR storage ring Electron Cooler

6 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle "Phase Transition" to String Order M. Steck et al., PRL 77 (1996) 3803 J.P. Schiffer, P. Kienle Could there be an Ordered Condensed State in Beams of Fully Stripped Heavy Ions? Z. Phys. A321 (1985) 181  v/v  0; signal/ noise high

7 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Time Resolved Schottky Mass Spectroscopy for EC and ß b Decays  q= 0 for EC, ß b decay  f  -  m =Q

8 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Single Ion, Time-Resolved EC-Decay Mass Spectroscopy 1.. Observation of single ion 3. Detection of all EC decays 4. Delay between „decay“ and "appearance"  cooling 5. 140 Pr: E R = 44 eV Delay: T d ~ (900 ±300) msec 142 Pm: E R = 90 eV Delay: T d ~ (1400 ±400) msec Note: Time delay T d causes phase delay of modulation:  = (T d /T)x2  Electron neutrino ν e is created at time t -> quantum-entangled with the daughter nucleus, revealing the mass-properties of e 2. Parent/daughter correlation ~6s cooling time t= 0 injection time

9 Neutrino Erice 16-24. 09.2009 P. Kienle Preliminary T=7.06(8)s a=0.18(3) T=7.10(22)s a=0.22(3) T=6.13(3) s a=0.16(2) EC-Modulation Spectra of 140 Pr, 142 Pm, 122 I Yu.A. Litvinov et al., Physics Letters B 664 (2008) 162 122 I preliminary

10 Time Spectrum of the ß + Branch of 142 Pm Preliminary a(ω=0.9 s -1 ) =0.03(3) The ß+ branch of 142 Pm, three times stronger than the EC branch and simultaneously observed with a modulation frequency ω = 0.90 s-1 and an amplitude a = 0.18(5), shows a vanishing small modulation amplitude a = 0.03(3) Time following the injection in the ESR t in s Modulation amplitude a(  ) with  in s -1 a(  ) 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

11 Towards Understanding of the Time- Modulation of the EC Decay  The two-body EC branches of 140 Pr and 142 Pm show modulation in contrast to the dominant 3-body ß + decay branch of 142 Pm(preliminary)  This excludes various experimental sources and quantum beats of the mother state ( proposed by Giunti, and Lindner et al.)  It is direct evidence that the modulation originates from the weak transition to the two-body final state. From detection of daughter  mass properties of the entangled neutrino ( Ivanov et al, PRL 101, 18250 (2008) ) 1/A-scaling of beat frequency ω of daughter ions reflects their recoil energy difference produced by neutrinos with masses m 1 and m 2

12 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Neutrino Quantum Beat Analogy From energy and momentum conservation in both decay channels | 1>, | 2>   1  m 1 ;  2  m 2

13 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Time Differential Observation of the decay Criterion for Neutrino Quantum Beats   12 = 45   decay width  Time differential observation of daughter with time resolution  d introduces an energy uncertainty  E d in the observation of |d>. For  E d  E 2 -E 1, the two decay paths are indistinguishable  interference Asymptotic observation: 2 Lorentz lines

14 The transition amplitude of the EC decay m  d + e is given by the sum of the amplitudes A (m  d + j ) (t), with the coefficient U ej taking into account that only electron neutrinos e contribute to the transition amplitude. Assuming  13 ~ 0 with only two neutrino mass Eigen-states. U e1 = cos  12, and U e2 = sin  12 In time dependent perturbation theory the partial amplitude A (m  d + j) (t), is defined in the rest frame of the mother ion m by 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

15 Incoherent and Coherent Contributions to the Transition Rates

16 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Time Modulated EC Decay Rate in Moving Laboratory Frame (  = 1.43)

17 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Experimental Values of  m²

18 Small or Large Modulation Amplitudes? The observed modulation amplitudes are a = 018  0.03( 140 Pr); a = 0.22  0.03( 142 Pm), a = 0.16  0.02( 122 I) (prel.) and thus equal within errors. = 0.19  0.02. With a = sin 2  a small mixing angle  = 5.5 o compared with  ~ 34 o from sun neutrinos is resulting Reduction of the modulation amplitude? Loss of phase relation by F=3/2->1/2 transition? Measurement of He-like systems is essential Cancellation of the interference terms results in a = 0, when all neutrino flavours contribute to the transition amplitude and the flavour mixing matrix is unitary, as it is assumed in standard theory. 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

19 In case that the neutrinos are not observed all flavours α= e, μ,τ contribute to the decay amplitude Cancellation of the Interference Terms in using Orthogonal Neutrino Flavour Wave Functions (A. Gal, arXiv:0809.1213v4 [nucl-th] Interference terms cancel due to unitarity of mixing matrix: 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

20 Experiments for Solving the Problems Decay of He-like 142 Pm 59+ for testing the influence of the F=3/2 hyperfine state  ongoing experiment ß + decay of H/He-like 142 Pm with an improvemet of 3%  1% limit of the modulation amplitude a  ongoing experiment Search for 1  3 modulation with ω 13 ~ 10xω 12 and a 13 ~ 0.1xa 12 using improved time resolution Measure B-field dependence of the modulation period for magnetic moment of neutrino search (Gal). Preliminary data of 122 I taken at 3% different B-field show no change of , only A-dependence. Compare EC- and ß b - modulation of 108 Ag (, ) for CPT test; branching ratios of ~ (2-3)% !!!  10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

21 142 59+ Pm 142 59+ Nd 142 59+ Pm Nd 142 59+ Old Schottky pickup (1992) 30 th harmonic New resonator cavity (2010) 124 th harmonic Use of Resonance Pick up improves S/N by factor 100 and  t= 32 ms the same decay: improvement by a factor of about 100 and  t = 32ms 10th P. Kienle

22 Cooling of a Daughter Ion with Reduced Recoil Energy 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle tt Frequency (31.25 Hz /channel)  Time (32ms / channel)  motherdaughter mother daughter 32 ms / channel decay

23 Cooling of a Daughter Ion with Enhanced Recoil Energy 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle tt Frequency  mother daughter Time  daughter mother

24 Two EC Decaying Mothers 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle

25 We have developed an efficient, new method for the study of neutrino masses using quantum entanglement in two body weak decays, thus avoiding the inefficient direct detection of the neutrinos. The interfering recoil ions show the neutrino mass difference. Time modulation of EC decays of H- like ions of 140 Pr, 142 Pm and 122 I (preliminary) were observed as neutrino quantum beats in the ESR storage ring, and no modulation of the ß + branch of 142 Pm (preliminary). Yet in standard weak interaction theory with massive neutrinos and unitary flavour mixing matrix, the interference terms from different flavours cancel and no modulation is expected. Thus the appearance of the modulation is direct evidence for a non-unitary flavour mixing matrix  new physics. Conclusion

26 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle F. Attallah,, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, P. Bühler, L. Chen, H. Essel, B. Fabian, Th. Faestermann, H. Geissel, V. Ivanova, P. Kienle, Ch.Kozhuharov, R. Knöbel, J. Kurcewicz, S.A. Litvinov, Yu.A. Litvinov, Z. Liu,, L. Maier, J. Marton F. Nolden, Yu.N. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, Ch. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, Th. Stöhlker, B. Sun, T. Suzuki, P.M. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, T. Yamaguchi, J Zmeskal Two Body Weak Decay Collaboration

27 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Thank you !

28 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle For discussion

29 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Wave Functions of Daughter Ions in the Time Differential Observation

30 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Vacuum polarisation by L-W loop  m 1 (r)  m 2 (r) 140 Ce, Z=58 Neutrino Mass from Darmstadt Oscillations A.N. Ivanov, E.L. Kryshen, M. Pitschmann and P.Kienle Similar mass corrections expected for antineutrinos from fission products but opposite sign (mass increase) arXiv: 0804 1311 (nucl-th)

31 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Modulation of the 140 Pr 58+ EC-Decay Time differential observation  d ~ 0.32s introduces  E ~1.2x10 -14 eV T= (7.06  0.08)s ΔE= 8.6x10 -16 eV a= (0.18  0.03) Yu.A. Litvinov et al., Physics Letters B 664 (2008) 162

32 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Modulation of the 142 Pm 60+ EC-Decay Yu.A. Litvinov et al., Physics Letters B 664 (2008) 162 T= (7.10  0.22)s ΔE= 8.6x10 -16 eV a= (0.22  0.03) ω [Hz] ²²  ² as function of ω fit No change of the period T despite change of neutrino energy

33 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle Modulation of 122 I 52+ EC Decay Test of A/Z scaling of modulation period N. Winkler et al GSI Annual Report 2009 Modulation period T = 6.13(3) s Amplitude a = 0.16(3) Period T scales with M Preliminary

34 10th Inter. Natl. Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics P. Kienle New KamLAND Results PRL 100, 221803 (2008)  EC Difference to EC neutrino  m²(KL)=0.759(21)x10-4 eV²  m²(EC)=2.9x  m²(KamLAND) Small amplitude problem ?!?

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