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U.S. History Core 100, Goal 6 The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History Core 100, Goal 6 The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History Core 100, Goal 6 The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) - The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power.


3  Actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over a smaller or weaker nation  Reasons:  Money  Markets  Materials  Missionary  Military Bases


5  U.S. Navy Officer  1890, published lectures in book: The Influence of Sea Power upon History  Prosperous nations have large navies  Encouraged U.S. to build up their navy


7  American minister  Linked missionary work to Anglo- Saxonism  Convinced many to support imperialism  Responsibility to “civilize and Christianize”  Encouraged writing of “White Man’s Burden,” which is a poem by Kipling


9 CausesCourseEffects Yellow Journalism: exaggerated newspaper articles (Hearst and Pulitzer) DeLome Letter: Cuban Rebellion: Cuban rebelled against Spanish rule U.S.S. Maine Explodes: in the harbor of Havana on Feb 15, 1898 Jingoism: extreme nationalism Treaty of Paris: signed in Dec. 1898 U.S. gained the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico U.S. becomes strong imperial power American Anti- Imperial League (oppose Philippines) Platt Amendment: “Splendid Little War” War: April – July 1898 Commodore George Dewey takes the Philippines quickly “Rough Riders” (Theodore Roosevelt) win Battle of San Juan Hill in May 1898…While Spanish retreat, U.S. sink their ships


11  President McKinley & Sec. of State John Hay want an Open Door Policy  All nations allowed to trade w/ China  Other nations agree  Spears of Influence  Free Trade  Boxer Rebellion


13  Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy  Believed that the U.S. had the right to oppose European intervention in the Western Hemisphere  “Speak softly and carry a big stick”  Caribbean


15  Theodore Roosevelt’s Amendment to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904  U.S. can intervene in Latin America to stabilize their economy  To prevent intervention from European Powers on the basis on economics  More aggressive approach to the Monroe Doctrine  Police of the Western Hemisphere


17  Theodore Roosevelt  Trade route from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean  Carter: gave back to Panama


19  William H. Taft’s foreign policy  “Substitute dollars for bullets”  Encouraged American business leaders to invest in Latin America  Americans would increase trade and profits  Latin Americans would rise out of poverty and social disorder


21  Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy  AKA Moral Diplomacy  GOALS:  Condemn imperialism  Spread democracy  Promote peace


23  Seward’s Folly: purchase of Alaska from Russia  Annexation of Hawaii  Forcing Japan Open: July 8, 1853: Commodore Matthew Perry takes Navy to negotiate  Signed treaty on March 3, 1854 to open ports to US trade

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