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The Spanish-American War “A Splendid Little War” April-August (December) 1898.

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1 The Spanish-American War “A Splendid Little War” April-August (December) 1898

2 Causes Cuban desire for independence Jose Marti Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler sent to Cuba (1896) Cuban towns turned into concentration camps (300,000) Yellow Journalism (Pulitzer and Hearst) De Lome Letter

3 Spark USS Maine explosion (Feb. 15, 1898) 260 killed It’s on

4 Strategy Americans Ignore Spanish agreements for peace Attack Spanish Imperial holdings Eliminate Spain as world power Weaken Spain’s morale Philippines Guam Naval victories (blockades)

5 Strategy Spain Weather and terrain Surrender (didn’t work for a long time)

6 Major/Turning Point Battles Manila (8 American wounded; 361 Spanish dead) Guam San Juan Hill (200 killed; 1200 wounded) Puerto Rico (450 Spanish dead; 4 American deaths)

7 Heroes and Goats Americans William McKinley George Dewey Rough Riders 9 th and 10 th cavalries Theodore Roosevelt Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst

8 Heroes and Goats Spanish Weather Valeriano Weyler Pascual Cervera Daring escape - failed Cubans Jose Marti

9 Cost ($ and Lives) Americans 2500 dead (380 in battle) Approximately 2200 from disease and poisoned meat 1700 wounded Between $250 and $400 million (current $6 billion) Spanish More dead than U.S. All Imperial holdings

10 Treaty Treaty of Paris (1898) Officially signed in December though cease- fire signed in August Terms Cuba independent U.S. gets Guam and Puerto Rico U.S. buys Philippines for $20 million

11 Non-Treaty Results/Long Term Significance Unifies North and South (first war since Civil War) Angers anti-Imperialists Philippines McKinley wanted to “educate Filipinos and uplift and Christianize them” World Police

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