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The synthesis of motion capture data Author : Tomáš Sako Supervisor : RNDr. Stanislav Stanek.

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Presentation on theme: "The synthesis of motion capture data Author : Tomáš Sako Supervisor : RNDr. Stanislav Stanek."— Presentation transcript:

1 The synthesis of motion capture data Author : Tomáš Sako Supervisor : RNDr. Stanislav Stanek

2 The submission of diploma thesis investigate the methods of the synthesis of motion capture data Result = semi-interactive system : Input : captured motion data Output : its composition Product : mostly realistic motion 2

3 Benefit the creation of semi-interactive system for motion synthesis the implementation of Registration curves algorithm the comparison of simple and dual quaternions efficiency 3

4 Agenda Overview Software specification Technical report Experiments & Verification 4

5 Agenda Overview Software specification Technical report Experiments & Verification 5

6 Overview Motion synthesis (blending) methods : manual, semi-automatic, automatic Registration curves by Lucas Kovar and Michael Gleicher features : automatic, flexible, effective, quick, used in common blending operations advantage : dynamic programming and other standards involved 6

7 Registration curves (1) 1)Timewarp curve 2)Coordinate-alignment curve 3)Constraint matches Literature : Kovar L., Gleicher M., Flexible Automatic Motion Blending with Registration Curves, University of Wisconsin, 2003 7

8 Registration curves (2) 8

9 Agenda Overview Software specification Technical report Experiments & Verification 9

10 Software specification name : Motion Blender I/O : Biovision motion files.bvh,.bva object oriented development environment : Delphi rendering : OpenGL animating : GLScene 10

11 GLScene OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi visual components and objects allowing description and rendering of 3D scenes bone, skeleton, animation, quaternion classes involved Delphi import packages, manual included 11

12 Agenda Overview Software specification Technical report Experiments & Verification 12

13 Technical report IN PROGRESS 13

14 Agenda Overview Software specification Technical report Experiments & Verification 14


16 Experiments & Verification efficiency tests - realistic output? flexibility tests - possible input speed tests – miliseconds global comparison of algorithm with simple and dual quaternions conclusion 16

17 That’s all Thank you for your attention Contact : 17

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