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Minimum Dataset ‘Lymphdat’ Pippa McCabe Lymphoedema Clinical Lead.

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1 Minimum Dataset ‘Lymphdat’ Pippa McCabe Lymphoedema Clinical Lead

2 Background  Figures on incidence, aetiology and epidemiology of lymphoedema in Northern Ireland to date have generally been created from data collected from the UK as a whole.  It would be ideal to be able to capture this information on lymphoedema using Northern Irish data.  Therefore it was decided to create a minimum dataset to collate this data

3 Aims  To create a database of information that will tell us more about: Lymphoedema as a condition Treatment received by patients Provision of ‘at risk’ information Regional differences in lymphoedema management Provision of garments and the funding of these To assist with audit and research

4 Developing the Dataset  Using CREST Guidelines for the Managment of Lymphoedema (2008) and the lymphoedema assessment tool it contains a minimum dataset has been created and named ‘lymphdat’  This is now nearing completion and we will soon be starting to enter data.

5 Lymphdat




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