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Welcome 6 th GOES Users Conference November 3, 2009 Madison Wisconsin.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 6 th GOES Users Conference November 3, 2009 Madison Wisconsin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 6 th GOES Users Conference November 3, 2009 Madison Wisconsin

2 Welcome 1.In first GOES User Conferences you helped define instruments and products for GOES-R 2.In recent Conferences focus on a more challenging task: the transition from the GOES-N series and User Readiness for GOES-R 3.Goal of this conference: Ensure that Users are able to take full advantage of the current GOES Series and will be ready for GOES-R when it launches

3 Welcome 1.GPO job this week: Provide the latest information on the current GOES Series and the capabilities and acquisition status of GOES-R 2.Your job this week: Be an active participant; Provide input on how we can help you get the most out of the current GOES Series and help you get ready for GOES- R -During discussion periods -During breakout sessions -Jot down suggestions and questions on comment sheets -E-mail -Post conference survey 3. Our job (all of us): Ensure that User Communities are fully prepared for the transition from current GOES to GOES-R

4 A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Dr. Verner E. Suomi, Dr. Robert J. Parent, and their colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison initiated the observation of Earth’s weather from space with their thermal radiation experiment launched in 1959 on NASA’s Explorer 7 satellite; WHEREAS, Dr. Suomi was the principal investigator on the first geostationary orbiting spin-scan camera which was launched on NASA's Applications Technology Satellite in 1966, initiating the era of satellite meteorology; WHEREAS, this spirit of progress and innovation has continued to the current array of geostationary operational satellites monitoring Earth’s ocean, land, and atmosphere systems; WHEREAS, hundreds of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) users and producers from all parts of the United States and the World are gathered in Madison, Wisconsin, from November 3 - 5, 2009; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jim Doyle, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, do declare the week of November 2, 2009, GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITE WEEK in the State of Wisconsin and commend this observance to all citizens.

5 Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites: Special Event on 2 November: 50th Anniversary of the 1st Meteorological Satellite Experiment 3-5 November 2009 Monona Terrace Convention Center Madison, Wisconsin

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