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Instructional Design Dr. Jeannette K. Jones, RCC

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1 Instructional Design Dr. Jeannette K. Jones, RCC

2 Design Concepts “You’ve got to get the fundamentals down because otherwise the fancy stuff isn’t going to work” – Dr. Randy Pausch – Last Lecture Remembering your favorite teacher…

3 Constructivist Learning Theory David H. Jonassen Create real-world environments (content of learning is relevant) Focus on approaches that solve real problems Teaching role as coach, facilitator, and analyzer Multiple representations or perspectives on content Instructional goals/objectives negotiated Assessments as self-analysis tool Provide real world tools/resources Internal mediation learning

4 Andragogy – Ageless Instructional Theory ( Pedagogy from learner perspective ) know how learning is conducted, why important, and how occur self direct learning options or ability to take control of techniques and purpose of the learning incorporate prior experience or feel their prior experience is valued (self – identity) ready to learn when life creates a need to learn prefer problem solving orientation and learning/real world connection high motivation to learn when it helps solve important problems in their life

5 Robert Gagne’s Nine Events Of Instruction – Instruction Discipline Gain attention Inform learners of objectives Stimulate recall of prior learning Present the content Provide learning guidance (encoding) Elicit performance (practice) Provide feedback Assess (not evaluate) performance Enhance retention and transfer

6 What do these theories mean for design? Create opportunities for multiple representations of reality with natural complexity of real world Knowledge construction not reproduction Authentic tasks and assessments Reflective practice Context and content dependent construction Collaborative construction through social negotiation Learner centered

7 How? One way is….

8 The ADDIE Design Model A nalyze – What is learning gap (objectives) D esign – How (instructional and learning strategies, tool selection, flow, etc.) D evelop – Authoring and producing materials I mplement – Run the program (pilot, full scale) Evaluate – Judge impact of program

9 Analyze Learning gap needs assessment Global perspective (all stakeholders) Resources assessment (cost, technology, subject matter experts, developers, etc.) Create formalized objectives for foundational measurement of success

10 Design ( Objectives/Outcome Based ) Must be deliberate Uses team skills – designer, developer, SME Attention to details Research supported design decisions Variety of learning and instructional strategies (flow, themes/chunks, role plays, technology tools, etc.) Student Centered

11 Develop Project Management Skills Storyboards Timelines Matrix Teams

12 Implement Delivery method ( F2F, Computer Mediated, Hybrid, Blended, Online ) Multimedia working Resources available Student access Faculty access

13 Evaluation Smile sheets – learner and faculty Grade spread Assessment archives Help desk complaints Emails received

14 Templates Needs Analysis Instructional Design Document Matrix Storyboard Development Map Storyboard Content Template

15 “Although information and knowledge is recognized as an important outcome of education, very few teachers would be satisfied to regard this as the primary or the sole outcome of instruction. What is needed is some evidence that the students can do something with their knowledge, that is, that they can apply the information to new situations and problems.” - Dr. Benjamin Bloom

16 Bloom’s Three Domains Cognitive – recall and development of intellectual abilities and skills Affective – changes in interest, attitudes values, adequate adjustments Psychomotor – motor-skills

17 Bloom’s Taxonomy (hierarchy) Knowledge – must be able to recall info Comprehension - can explain to someone else Application – finds practical use for info in particular and concrete situations Analysis – can break down parts and see how they work together Synthesis – puts together elements or parts from a whole Evaluation – makes judgments about the value for given purpose

18 Measurable Verb Alignment - examples Knowledge – recall, list, match, define, identify, locate, recognize Comprehension – explain, discuss, restate, summarize, outline, describe Application – solve, illustrate, construct, examine, classify, calculate Analysis – analyze, compare and contrast, investigate, organize, distinguish Synthesis – create, compose, invent, design, formulate, predict Evaluation – judge, justify, verify, recommend, assess, debate

19 Writing Measurable Learning Objectives (outcomes) Measurable Verbs Acknowledge hierarchy of verbs –ndv Student centered – SWBAT (Student will be able to…) Parallel in construction Display of objectives based on perspective based on design model level

20 A.B.C.D. Audience – learner Behavior – what will they be able to do upon completion of course/unit/module (measurable verb as it must be able to be observed - Bloom) Condition – how – circumstances or context Degree – how much acceptable to ensure accomplishment

21 Objective Types Terminal Course Objective (TCO) Performance Objective (PO) Enabling Objective (EO) Task vs. Objective

22 Example Given a list of the state capitals, the student will be able to, match the capitals with the corresponding state with 90% accuracy.

23 Group Activity Break into groups Based on the information provided in the presentation, develop two objectives for each of Bloom’s taxomony levels (the group can determine the topic or variety of topics). Then create an activity that would align with the created objectives. Example: Given textbook resources, the SWBAT discuss the P’s of Marketing with 80% accuracy. (Comprehension) Discussion board where they must respond to an open ended question regarding the P’s. Groups will share something from each level. Be able to support your choices.

24 Assessment Alignment Activity Select one of the objectives created in the previous activity. Determine what type of assessment you would use for that objective and be able to support your choice. Create a rubric that would align with the assessment instrument. Be prepared to share your ideas.

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