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Evaluation Dissemination Week 15, Chapter 13 CSUMB Public Administration 432 Spring, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation Dissemination Week 15, Chapter 13 CSUMB Public Administration 432 Spring, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation Dissemination Week 15, Chapter 13 CSUMB Public Administration 432 Spring, 2015

2 Presenting Evaluation Findings Important & purposeful Should be carefully planned Should facilitate next steps / actions Involve stakeholders in dissemination Action should inform next round of evaluation

3 Purpose & desired outcomes PurposeDesired OutcomeVehicle Program staff program operationReports Program participantsGain inputBriefs Community at large Knowledge, gain supportWebsites, Fact Sheets Inform fundersSustain or increase fundsExecutive Summaries Inform policy makersTake action/provide fundsPowerPoint presentation community of practice KnowledgeConference presentation

4 Framing Evaluation Findings Frame information to meet the needs of the user Consider the focus and point of view of the user and their position within the agency For example, presenting client-related information to clinicians; present agency- wide summaries to executive teams; present financial data to funders

5 Timing Timing of data release may coincide with larger agenda (advocacy, budgeting) Evaluation report may be required by funders Always be used for program decision-making (expansion, replication) Some evaluation data are used to adjust treatment plans

6 Presentation Format Assess the audience & data types Is a table format more beneficial? Graph format? Narrative? Word clouds? Quotes? Present data in a format that is easy for the audience to read and understand Translate!!!

7 The Evaluation Report Provide drafts to users and incorporate suggestions Fully disclose methodological details to substantiate credibility Feedback and suggestions should not compromise the accuracy of the evaluation findings

8 Report Structure Typical Report Structure Exec Summary & purposesStand alone document of highlights & purposes Lit ReviewRelevancy MethodsDisclosure (eval design, data collection, analysis) FindingsResults of the study RecommendationsImplications and next steps AppendicesDetails and forms Atypical Report Structure Exec Summary & purposesStand alone document of highlights & purposes FindingsResults of the study RecommendationsImplications and next steps AppendicesMethods, tech notes, lit support, forms, sources

9 Other communication vehicles Briefings/Press conferences Creating presentations that are customized to specific purposes Designed for a specific audience Report cards Grading system (judgement) used to report multiple areas of performance on an ongoing basis PowerPoints




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