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Chapter 2 Section 3 French in the New World Verrazano- NC to Newfoundland and NY harbor- 1524.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Section 3 French in the New World Verrazano- NC to Newfoundland and NY harbor- 1524."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Section 3 French in the New World Verrazano- NC to Newfoundland and NY harbor- 1524

2 Chapter 2 Section 3 Cartier- New France and St. Lawrence River Champlain- Quebec, Lake Huron, Lake Champlain Fur trade crucial- Iroquois- NY between Hudson River and Lake Erie New England- CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, ME- New England colonies Puritans- persecuted- attacked- religious beliefs

3 Chapter 2 Section 3 Pilgrims- Mayflower- Mayflower Compact- obey gov’t laws William Bradford- governor elect 30 times- wrote History of Plymouth Plantation Created Plymouth Colony Great Migration- Massachusetts Bay Colony- Boston Religious tolerance- people live in peace

4 Chapter 2 Section 3 Salem Witch Trials- 1692- 20 women and men executed Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine created Roger Williams founds Providence War with English and Native Americans Sachem- Native American leader Pequot War Kind Philip’s War

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