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Workshops in Budapest 03-04 February, 2004: Modern statistical methods of quality assurance 05 February, 2004:Design of clinical trials with the software.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshops in Budapest 03-04 February, 2004: Modern statistical methods of quality assurance 05 February, 2004:Design of clinical trials with the software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshops in Budapest 03-04 February, 2004: Modern statistical methods of quality assurance 05 February, 2004:Design of clinical trials with the software MetaGen Instructors: Tony Greenfield, Ron Kenett, András Zempléni

2 2 Some details Participants –approx. 20 on the first 2 days –10 on the second day –Mostly from companies, some academics Finances: –partial support from Pro-ENBIS –moderate fee was also charged

3 3 Material of the first course Simulation exercises based on Tony’s software (mostly Al Whees and an intro to Oil Filters) Some new exercises based on my talks on cost-optimal control charts (a joint work with Pedro Saraiva and some other colleagues) The needed theory was briefly tackled in the handouts (containing a CD with a demo of the software) as well as during the exercises.

4 4 Results of the questionnaire (day 1, 5 is the best) Content3.54 Practical examples4 Fitting the situation3.23 Use of techniques3.85 Style3.92 Food3.42 A couple of remarks about the need for more advanced methods, more theory

5 5 Results of the questionnaire (day 2) Content3.6 Practical examples3.4 Fitting the situation3.2 Use of techniques3 Style3.8 Food3.6

6 6 Some photos

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