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Comm313 Chapter 3: The Editing Process Presented By: Emmanuel Goldstein Loren Ipsum Davey Jones Jack Frost Christi Kringle Francis Gumm Robert Zimmerman.

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Presentation on theme: "Comm313 Chapter 3: The Editing Process Presented By: Emmanuel Goldstein Loren Ipsum Davey Jones Jack Frost Christi Kringle Francis Gumm Robert Zimmerman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comm313 Chapter 3: The Editing Process Presented By: Emmanuel Goldstein Loren Ipsum Davey Jones Jack Frost Christi Kringle Francis Gumm Robert Zimmerman

2 Overview Editor’s Role Value of the Copy Editor Newsroom Organization Editor’s Responsibilities Editing the Story

3 The Editor’s Role Changes: oKnow when oKnow why Editing = an art, not a science Copy editors = last line of defense. More exciting than people think oGet major news stories of the day

4 Editing Raw Text

5 Use Pictures! This would be a good place for a picture. It would be really silly to talk about a “tombstone” headline and then not show one! Use images to illustrate the information presented.

6 This is a black page. Use a black slide so the information on the screen isn’t distracting when you have an activity or discussion.

7 Review Repeat point #1… oSubpoint 1a oSubpoint 1b Point #2 Point #3: Reviewing the main points of your presentation is a good idea.

8 Comm313 Chapter 3: The Editing Process Presented By: It’s a good Idea to Repeat Your Opening Slide at the End To Reminder The Class Who You Are.

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