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Session 4 UNIT TRANSACTION. Unit Transaction Pre – Reading/ Picture Interaction Reading Post – Reading/ Constructing a Discourse Editing Transacting other.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 4 UNIT TRANSACTION. Unit Transaction Pre – Reading/ Picture Interaction Reading Post – Reading/ Constructing a Discourse Editing Transacting other."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit Transaction Pre – Reading/ Picture Interaction Reading Post – Reading/ Constructing a Discourse Editing Transacting other components Pre – Reading/ Picture Interaction Reading Post – Reading/ Constructing a Discourse Editing Transacting other components

3 1.Sharing of ideas 2.Giving rich, authentic listening input 3.Embedding functional aspects of language in natural and authentic contexts 4.Maintaining rapport with the learners 5.Dialoguing with the learners 6.Giving feedback to the learners for taking them to the next higher level of learning 7.Maintaining the continuity of the theme in all the modules of transaction 1.Sharing of ideas 2.Giving rich, authentic listening input 3.Embedding functional aspects of language in natural and authentic contexts 4.Maintaining rapport with the learners 5.Dialoguing with the learners 6.Giving feedback to the learners for taking them to the next higher level of learning 7.Maintaining the continuity of the theme in all the modules of transaction Role and purpose of interaction 3

4 Pre-Reading Interaction based on face sheet picture Production of oral/ written discourses Editing/ Feedback on the discourse Leading the interaction towards the reading text Interaction based on face sheet picture Production of oral/ written discourses Editing/ Feedback on the discourse Leading the interaction towards the reading text 4

5 How many people are there in the picture? What are the names of people in the picture? What is she/ he doing? How many people are there in the picture? What are the names of people in the picture? What is she/ he doing? Picture interaction

6 What do you know about the people in the pictures? What common quality do you observe in all of them? What qualities have made these persons great? Do they inspire you? How? What qualities does a person require to become successful? What do you think are we going to read? What do you know about the people in the pictures? What common quality do you observe in all of them? What qualities have made these persons great? Do they inspire you? How? What qualities does a person require to become successful? What do you think are we going to read? Pre – Reading 6

7 Reading Preliminary interaction to link with the pre-reading activities. Interaction based on the text related picture. Individual reading by the learners Collaborative reading Checking comprehension Reading aloud by the teacher Reading aloud by the pupils Asking analytical questions Preliminary interaction to link with the pre-reading activities. Interaction based on the text related picture. Individual reading by the learners Collaborative reading Checking comprehension Reading aloud by the teacher Reading aloud by the pupils Asking analytical questions 7

8 Reading slot - His parents decided ……of triumph over adversity. What did his parents decide? What did Nick’s father do to teach him swimming? How did Nick’s father teach him computer? How did Nick feel at the age of eight? Reading slot - His parents decided ……of triumph over adversity. What did his parents decide? What did Nick’s father do to teach him swimming? How did Nick’s father teach him computer? How did Nick feel at the age of eight? Reading 8

9 What could be the plight of Nick’s parents when he was born? ‘Nick and his parents spent many years asking why this cruel trick would happen to them’ Whom did his parents ask? Why? How did Nick’s parents help him to be independent? ‘His parents decided not to send him to a special school.’ Was Nick happy about his parents’ decision? Why or why not? What did you think about this decision? Pick out the symptoms of Nick’s depression. Do you think his depression was normal or something unique about him? Give reasons for your opinion. What qualities would help us to be strong and find the purpose of our life? What could be the plight of Nick’s parents when he was born? ‘Nick and his parents spent many years asking why this cruel trick would happen to them’ Whom did his parents ask? Why? How did Nick’s parents help him to be independent? ‘His parents decided not to send him to a special school.’ Was Nick happy about his parents’ decision? Why or why not? What did you think about this decision? Pick out the symptoms of Nick’s depression. Do you think his depression was normal or something unique about him? Give reasons for your opinion. What qualities would help us to be strong and find the purpose of our life? Reading 9

10 Post – Reading – Discourse Construction Interaction to produce discourse Writing a discourse – Individual activity Teacher’s feedback on discourse features Refining the discourses in groups Presentation of group products Presentation of teacher’s version Interaction to produce discourse Writing a discourse – Individual activity Teacher’s feedback on discourse features Refining the discourses in groups Presentation of group products Presentation of teacher’s version

11 Describe Nick’s thoughts after the attempt became unsuccessful. OR From the reading passage you came to know that Nick had made an attempt to drown himself in the bath. Describe Nick’s thoughts after the attempt became unsuccessful. Describe Nick’s thoughts after the attempt became unsuccessful. OR From the reading passage you came to know that Nick had made an attempt to drown himself in the bath. Describe Nick’s thoughts after the attempt became unsuccessful. Discourse construction 11

12 1. What was the incident? 2. When did it take place? 3. What made Nick to make an attempt to drown himself? 4. What could be his thoughts after the attempt failed? 1. What was the incident? 2. When did it take place? 3. What made Nick to make an attempt to drown himself? 4. What could be his thoughts after the attempt failed? Discourse construction 12

13 Selecting a group product for editing Thematic Editing – interaction on discourse features and content Morphological Editing (Tense, agreement, case, passive forms, affixes etc.) Syntactic Editing (missing words, excess words and word order) Writing Conventions (punctuation, capitalization and spelling) Selecting a group product for editing Thematic Editing – interaction on discourse features and content Morphological Editing (Tense, agreement, case, passive forms, affixes etc.) Syntactic Editing (missing words, excess words and word order) Writing Conventions (punctuation, capitalization and spelling) Editing a Discourse 13

14 Change your group product wherever necessary. Check your sentence forms Check your spellings Did you write all the ideas properly? Change your group product wherever necessary. Check your sentence forms Check your spellings Did you write all the ideas properly? Editing discourse 14

15 1. Discourse Level Editing i.Thematic Editing Are all the ideas related to the context? Do you think there are any irrelevant ideas? Are there any ideas which I have put in but you haven’t? Are there any ideas that you wrote but I didn’t? 1. Discourse Level Editing i.Thematic Editing Are all the ideas related to the context? Do you think there are any irrelevant ideas? Are there any ideas which I have put in but you haven’t? Are there any ideas that you wrote but I didn’t? Editing discourse 15

16 2. Syntactic Editing (Sentence level editing) – word order, using excess words or missing words Word order: E.g. The boy banana ate. Ask the question – Do you want to change in the word order? Excess words: E.g. The boys are ate banana. Ask the question- What is the extra that is to be removed from the sentence? Missing word: E.g. The boys banana. One word is missing in sentence, what is it? What do you do with the banana? 2. Syntactic Editing (Sentence level editing) – word order, using excess words or missing words Word order: E.g. The boy banana ate. Ask the question – Do you want to change in the word order? Excess words: E.g. The boys are ate banana. Ask the question- What is the extra that is to be removed from the sentence? Missing word: E.g. The boys banana. One word is missing in sentence, what is it? What do you do with the banana? Editing a discourse 16

17 3. Morphological Editing Aspects: E.g. The boys is playing. Is it ‘is’ or ‘are’? Which sentence makes sense- The boys are playing? Or the boys is playing? Error in PNG (Person, Number and Gender) Subject and verb agreement in person, number and gender. I is not hungry. The boys is playing football. She smiled at himself. Ask them to give other forms of the word so that they identify their mistakes and correct themselves. Errors in affixes (Prefixes and suffixes) E.g.: unproper for improper - for this ask them to check with dictionary 3. Morphological Editing Aspects: E.g. The boys is playing. Is it ‘is’ or ‘are’? Which sentence makes sense- The boys are playing? Or the boys is playing? Error in PNG (Person, Number and Gender) Subject and verb agreement in person, number and gender. I is not hungry. The boys is playing football. She smiled at himself. Ask them to give other forms of the word so that they identify their mistakes and correct themselves. Errors in affixes (Prefixes and suffixes) E.g.: unproper for improper - for this ask them to check with dictionary Editing discourse 17

18 4. Editing related to Conventions/ Punctuations Spelling; These words are wrongly spelt. Check their spellings in the dictionary. Is any letter missing in this word? What is it? Punctuation: Do you want a full stop or a question mark in this context? 4. Editing related to Conventions/ Punctuations Spelling; These words are wrongly spelt. Check their spellings in the dictionary. Is any letter missing in this word? What is it? Punctuation: Do you want a full stop or a question mark in this context? Editing discourse 18

19 Steps for transaction of textual exercises Whole class interaction Elicit responses and write key words/ phrases on a chart Let the learners attempt the exercise individually Put children in small groups Let children read the exercises in groups and discuss Whole class interaction Elicit responses and write key words/ phrases on a chart Let the learners attempt the exercise individually Put children in small groups Let children read the exercises in groups and discuss 19

20 Steps for transaction of textual exercises Let them share their ideas in the groups. Let groups present their answers one by one. Let other groups reflect and suggest changes. Teacher gives feedback and consolidates the group work. Let them share their ideas in the groups. Let groups present their answers one by one. Let other groups reflect and suggest changes. Teacher gives feedback and consolidates the group work. 20

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