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Implementing the New Secondary Cycle Two ESL Programs Winter/Spring 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the New Secondary Cycle Two ESL Programs Winter/Spring 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the New Secondary Cycle Two ESL Programs Winter/Spring 2007

2 Workshop Goal How can we support ESL teachers in the implementation of the new Secondary Cycle Two Core ESL program?

3 Agenda Dossier 1: TextsDossier 1: Texts How are the competencies Reinvests understanding of texts and Writes and produces texts developed through the use of authentic texts? Dossier 2:100% English (Interacts orally in English) :Dossier 2: 100% English (Interacts orally in English) : How can we support teachers in maintaining an all English environment? Dossier 3: Synergy of the three ESL competencies:Dossier 3: Synergy of the three ESL competencies: Understanding the synergy among the three ESL competencies

4 Secondary Cycle Two Core ESL Program: An Overview Core ESL Program

5 Secondary Cycle Two Core ESL ProgramHighlights ESL Program Highlights Match the excerpts from the program with the corresponding sections with the corresponding sections (Handouts p. 4-5) (Handouts p. 4-5)

6 Texts How are the competencies Reinvests understanding of texts and Writes and produces texts developed through the use of authentic texts?

7 Internal and External Features (p. 76-78)


9 Her middle name is Jean…

10 …Baby One More Time …Baby One More Time Fill in the Text Features for Music Video chart Music Video chart (Handouts p. 7) (Handouts p. 7)

11 What elements of the music video captured your attention?What elements of the music video captured your attention? In what way does this music video represent the reality of teenagers in your schools?In what way does this music video represent the reality of teenagers in your schools? Music videos influence teenagers by…Music videos influence teenagers by… RESPONSE PROCESS Exploring the Text Phase Establishing a Personal Connection Phase Generalizing Beyond the Text Phase

12 Reinvesting… we’re not done yet! How do students reinvest? Read the Key Feature (p. 38): Read the Key Feature (p. 38): Carries out a reinvestment task

13 Reinvests understanding of texts Interacts orally in English Writes and produces texts Writes and produces texts (Internal and External Features of Texts) (Internal and External Features of Texts)

14 Example of reinvestment task: Article in a teen magazine Goal of reinvestment task: How can teens be more realistically represented in the media? Write examples in the Text Features from Music Video to Be Reinvested chartWrite examples in the Text Features from Music Video to Be Reinvested chart (Handouts p. 8) (Handouts p. 8)

15 Evaluating the Use of Text Features Evaluation criterion for Competency 2: Uses knowledge from texts in a reinvestment task Example of an evaluation grid for Competency 2 (Handouts p. 10)Example of an evaluation grid for Competency 2 (Handouts p. 10)

16 Texts Texts What do I need to transfer?What do I need to transfer? How am I going to do it?How am I going to do it? (Handouts p. 1) (Handouts p. 1)

17 100% English Interacts orally in English (Interacts orally in English) How can we support teachers in maintaining an all English environment?

18 What is interacting orally in English? Fill in the 100% English chartFill in the 100% English chart (Handouts p. 11) (Handouts p. 11) Compare your answers to the key features and descriptors of C1Compare your answers to the key features and descriptors of C1 (Program p. 28) (Program p. 28)

19 Some challenging questions about oral interaction… Individually, select your # 1Individually, select your # 1 question/statement question/statement (Handouts p. 12) (Handouts p. 12) Discuss in your groupDiscuss in your group Find arguments to support teachersFind arguments to support teachers (Handouts p. 13-14) (Handouts p. 13-14)

20 100% English 100% English What do I need to transfer? How am I going to do it? (Handouts p. 2)

21 Understanding the Synergy Among the Three ESL competencies C1C1C1C1 C2C2C2C2 C3C3C3C3

22 A Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES): Teens in the Media Read LES: Teens in the Media (p. 23)Read LES: Teens in the Media (p. 23) Read LES Chart (p. 22)Read LES Chart (p. 22)

23 Synergy in the LES: Teens in the Media How can a Venn diagram such as this be useful?How can a Venn diagram such as this be useful? How can a BAL, CCCs and Related Content be included in this Venn diagram?How can a BAL, CCCs and Related Content be included in this Venn diagram? How could the following activities be adapted to develop at least two of the ESL competencies in synergy?How could the following activities be adapted to develop at least two of the ESL competencies in synergy?  A three minute oral presentation in front of the class  Answer a series of information questions about a text  Rewrite a text using a different time frame

24 Still Synergetic… Show synergy from today’s tasks Show synergy from today’s tasks  Viewing a text (…Baby One More Time)  Examining video’s text features  Reinvesting text features: Teen magazine article

25 Synergy of the three ESL competencies Synergy of the three ESL competencies What do I need to transfer?What do I need to transfer? How am I going to do it?How am I going to do it? (Handouts p. 2) (Handouts p. 2)

26 Every journey starts with a first step...

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