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The A esthetics of Mobile App Design or The Way Effective Apps Look to Users.

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Presentation on theme: "The A esthetics of Mobile App Design or The Way Effective Apps Look to Users."— Presentation transcript:

1 The A esthetics of Mobile App Design or The Way Effective Apps Look to Users

2 “The term “Mobile Web”... is commonly used to describe accessing the internet using a mobile device. This definition is broad enough to cover everything from using a browser on a feature phone, to using highly customized apps on smartphones or tablets.” “(The term “Mobile Web” is criticized because it implies that there are “different” Webs which just isn’t true — there is no Desktop Web, for example. It makes more sense to speak of the websites optimized for users accessing those websites through mobile devices. We will be using this perspective in this article. — Smashing Editorial Team)” From, “A User-Centered Approach To Web Design For Mobile Devices,” Smashing Magazine, http://www.smashinghttp://www.smashing A esthetics of Mobile Web Devices

3 From, “A User-Centered Approach To Web Design For Mobile Devices,” Smashing Magazine, http://www.smashinghttp://www.smashing Mobile U ser Experience

4 U ser Centered Design From Vinq, “User Centered Design, “Design Principles” “Mental Model” “Consistency and Predictability” “Flexibility and Forgiveness” A esthetics

5 A my Kuo From

6 A esthetics > (GR) aisthētikos, perceptible by the senses, > aisthesthai, to perceive The theory or philosophy of beauty Aquinas: “What gives pleasure on sight and hence is related to cognitive faculties (Reese 5)

7 From “Experimental Aesthetics,

8 Composition, Layout, Color, Shape, Typography, Style





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