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Injury Prevention for Runners & Triathletes

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Presentation on theme: "Injury Prevention for Runners & Triathletes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Injury Prevention for Runners & Triathletes

2 Health-Fit Chiropractic & Sports Medicine About Our Doctors
Chiropractic Physician Active Release Technique® (ART) Graston Technique® Kinesio Taping® Certified Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist(CSCS) ART Biomechanics Certified Injury Consultant for Boca Raton Triathletes, Team in Training, Friends in Training, Galloway Group

3 Law of Repetitive Motion I=NF/AR
How Over-use Injury Occurs I = Insult to Tissues N = Number of Repetitions F = Force of each Repetition A = Amplitude of each Rep R = Relaxation time b/n Reps **Long-distance running has a HIGH Number of Repetitions, and LOW Relaxation time

4 Cumulative Injury Cycle
How do running injuries occur and why? Hands On Component FMS Screening Gait Analysis for Foot and Knee Assessment Strengthening Exercises for Hip and Core Stability Flexibility

5 Myofascial Adhesions

6 Muscular Imbalances Tonic (Postural) vs. Phasic (Prime Movers)
Lower Crossed Syndrome- Root Cause? Tight Hip Flexors Weak Glutes Tight Low Back Weak Abdominals Reciprocal Inhibition Prime Movers Becoming Stabilizers? How should we train Stabilizers? The Runner’s Misconception

7 Alternating Pattern of Mobility & Stability
Yellow = Stability Red = Mobility How does this affect your training programs?

8 Kinetic Chain of Events
Tight Hip Flexors → Weak Glutes Weak Glutes → Tight TFL → Tight IT Band → IT Band Syndrome What Can this cause? Decreased Hip Extension leading to hamstring strain/tightness or Low Back Pain Decreased Hip Stability causing medial knee migration Inefficient running leading to multiple over-use injuries Must find the weak link in the chain!

9 Physical Demands of Running
“Terrible Toos": too much, too soon, too often, too fast, too hard combined with too little rest Follow a Concise Running Program Even the “Perfect” can get injured- Learn to manage

10 Foot, Ankle, Lower Leg Common Injuries Over Pronation- “Flat Feet”
Supinated Foot- “High Arches” Decreased Dorsiflexion Morton’s Toe Decreased Big Toe Extension Common Injuries Plantar Fasciitis Achilles Tendonosis Shin Splints Calf Strain Stress Fractures

11 Hip & Core Common Injuries IT Band Syndrome One-Leg Stance Stability
Trendelenberg’s Gait Hip Extension Excessive torso rotation Hyperlordotic Lumbar Spine Excessive Hip Adduction Common Injuries IT Band Syndrome Gluteus Medius Syndrome Hamstring Strains Low Back Conditions Piriformis Syndrome

12 Knee Muscular Support- Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Poplitius
Patellar Tracking Disorders “Wear and Tear” Reaction Site Common Injuries IT Band Syndrome Patellar Tendonosis Arthritis Chondromalacia Patellae Pes Anserine Bursitis Myofascial pain syndromes

13 Medial Knee Migration Increases stress at the knee Q-Angle
Can Cause IT Band Syndrome, Medial knee pain, foot/ankle pain What are the Causes and Solutions?

14 Optimal Performance Pyramid
Functional Movement Functional Performance Functional Skill Skill Skill Skill Funct. Perfromance Funct. Perf. Funct. Perf Functional Movement Mvmt Functional Mvmt Optimal Performance Over-Powered Under-Powered **Be Aware of the Under-Skilled Athlete as well**

15 Stretching Basics Proper Warm-up and Cool-down Areas to Target:
Dynamic-controlled movement- Warm up Static-Holding the stretch- Cool down Areas to Target: Foot/Ankle Calves Hamstrings IT Band Quadriceps Hip Flexors Piriformis/Glutes Shoulders Foam Rolling/Massage Stick Helps release myofascial adhesions

16 Strengthening Basics Needed for prevention of injuries
Running: Hip Stability and Foot/Ankle Stabiliy Cycling: Hamstring, Glute and Quad Swimming: Scapular and Shoulder Stability

17 Injury Prevention Proper Warm-up Proper Running Technique
Avoid abrupt changes in orthotics, running styles, shoes, foot strike, etc. Shoes- Fitting and mileage monitoring Preventative Exercise & Stretching Foam Rolling Rest and Recovery Functional Movement Screening

18 Any Questions? (305)

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