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RFKC STAFF QUALITIES Becca C. Johnson, Ph.D. 5 Essential Staff Qualities _________________.

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Presentation on theme: "RFKC STAFF QUALITIES Becca C. Johnson, Ph.D. 5 Essential Staff Qualities _________________."— Presentation transcript:


2 RFKC STAFF QUALITIES Becca C. Johnson, Ph.D.

3 5 Essential Staff Qualities _________________

4 Essential Staff Qualities _________________ S - Sincerity

5 S - SINCERITY Genuine, authentic, real Antonyms: fake, false, imitation “What you see is what you get” No pretenses or pretending Real life is presented Insecurities are minimized, authenticity is maximized

6 Essential Staff Qualities _________________ L - Love S - Sincerity

7 L - LOVE Compassion, care, affection Unconditional acceptance Modeling God’s love Genuine/sincere Forgiving, grace-giving

8 Essential Staff Qualities _________________ A - Awareness L - Love S - Sincerity

9 A - AWARENESS Awareness of: child development, behavioral concerns, child abuse,… Self-awareness: personal issues, beliefs, values, struggles

10 Essential Staff Qualities _________________ E - Encouragement A - Awareness L - Love S - Sincerity

11 E - ENCOURAGEMENT Positive perspective, potentializer, dream- inspirer, personal cheerleader,… Words & gestures of affirmation Sincere and Loving

12 Essential Staff Qualities H - Hope E - Encouragement A - Awareness L - Love S - Sincerity

13 H - HOPE Expectation of positive outcomes Belief in: Resiliency, Restoration, and Recovery “a hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

14 Essential Staff Qualities H - Hope E - Encouragement A - Awareness L - Love S - Sincerity

15 H–E–A–L-S As RFKC volunteers possess these qualities, they help the children HEAL.

16 Table Discussion What qualities do you Believe to be important for a RFKC team member?

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