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ETrŠ Brežice Špela Špan, Iva Jerković. The area of Jovsi Surface area (ha): 2.902,1 Significance - Dobrava and Krakovski gozd are the only larger areas.

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Presentation on theme: "ETrŠ Brežice Špela Špan, Iva Jerković. The area of Jovsi Surface area (ha): 2.902,1 Significance - Dobrava and Krakovski gozd are the only larger areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETrŠ Brežice Špela Špan, Iva Jerković

2 The area of Jovsi Surface area (ha): 2.902,1 Significance - Dobrava and Krakovski gozd are the only larger areas of lowland floodplain forests in southeastern Slovenia. - Several rare and endangered species Eurasian Otter, Great Capricorn Beetle and European Stag Beetle, freshwater mussel Unio crassus, Large Copper Butterfly and Tiger Moth, and the amphibians Italian Crested Newt, European Fire-bellied Toad and Yellow-bellied Toad. - The only surviving swamp in the region. - Important breeding ground of the Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) and the only confirmed nest site of the Corn Crake (Crex crex) in Pannonian Slovenia. Here occur at least 18 bird species from Annex I of the Bird Directive.

3 Dangers -Overgrowing – fragmented, prevalent in the area's western part - Intensive farming of meadows near the Sotla river - Forest management in the area of Dobrava - Disturbance owing to the increased visits by the people - Low level of the people's awareness Nature-conservancy status - Protected area – nature monument - Ecologically significant area - Proposed site of community interest (Natura 2000 area) - Natural treasure (of national concern) - Proposed for a Ramsar site.

4 Conservation of grasslands -One of the project's objectives is to preserve the mowing activities in Jovsi meadows and along the Sotla river, as they are crucial for the survival of some rare grassland bird species, particularly Corn Crake, which is one of our most endangered birds, as well as Snipe, Quail and Lesser Grey Shrike. - The project will provide financial means for the implementation of late mowing (after July 15th) for100 ha of meadows. Corn Crake Bird-watching tower at Jovsi

5 Information centre is the area’s central info point situated at Kapele, where the visitors can get acquainted with ecological nature through seeing a natural history film, information panels and other animations, and by attending various lectures on the subject. -

6 Monitoring In the area of Jovsi, night counting of the Corn Crake has been carried out on regular basis since 1992. You can see the decreasing number of birds in Slovenia by years.

7 Corn Crake Trail Corn Crake Trail to Jovsi is about a kilometre long marked footpath, leading from Kapele to the fringes of Jovsi. In 2001, it was outlined and marked by the Kapele Tourist Society. Through the observation of nature and with the aid of info tables (pupils also with work sheets), the visitors will be able to learn much about the Jovsi forest, plants, amphibians and birds.

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