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Developing the Leader Within You John C. Maxwell Submitted by: Jamie Smith June 10, 2011.

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1 Developing the Leader Within You John C. Maxwell Submitted by: Jamie Smith June 10, 2011

2 Author John C. Maxwell He is known as America’s expert on leadership. He conducts many leadership conferences throughout the world. He has more than 40 books and several are on the topic of leadership. He has spent more than 20 yrs. practicing and teaching the leadership practices in his book.

3 Management vs. Leadership Management is making sure the objectives and programs of the organization are implemented. There is no emphasis on relationships or development of people.

4 Leadership Leadership will involve fostering and promoting relationships. Leadership goes beyond management in that it deals with having a vision and motivating people within the organization. I think this leader needs to read Developing the Leader Within You!

5 Definition of Leadership Leadership can be defined as influence. It is the ability to get and maintain followers. It is not a position, rank, or title. “Even the most introverted individual will influence ten thousand other people during his or her lifetime!” We can conclude that each and every one of us is influencing others and being influenced by others as well.

6 Levels of Leadership Level 1: Position – At this level the only influence one holds is that which comes with the title he carries. – A real leader will have people who gladly follow him with confidence; it is not strictly about being the boss. – At this level it nearly impossible to get people to follow the leader beyond his stated authority.

7 Levels of Leadership Level 2: Permission – “Leadership is getting people to work for you when they are not obligated.” – At the first level, people are lead by intimidation. At this level, leadership will flourish with meaningful relationships. – In the ladder of leadership, this level cannot be skipped. It is the foundation that supports the remaining levels.

8 Levels of Leadership Level 3: Production – The major difference between this level and the Permission level is the objective of coming together to accomplish a purpose. – This level is results oriented.

9 Levels of Leadership Level 4: People Development – When mentorship of followers occurs, the people will begin to show loyalty to their leader. – At this level, the leader has won the hearts of his followers because he has personally invested his time to help them grow. Level : Personhood – This is the highest level of leadership because years have been invested in mentoring and molding leaders. –This level is so rewarding in that the followers are not only loyal to the leader, they are sacrificial.

10 Key to Successful Leadership Maxwell claims that the key to successful leadership is the discipline to prioritize to reach one’s predetermined goal The Paereto Principal appears to benefit leaders in the area of reaching priorities if they are willing to understand and use it.

11 Paereto Principle 1212 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1234567812345678 9 10 PrioritiesProduction 20 percent of your priorities will give you 80 percent of your production IF you spend your time, energy, money, and personnel on the top 20 percent of your priorities. Understanding this principle will allow one to work smarter rather than harder.

12 Increase Productivity Using Paereto Principle Determine which people are the top 20 percent producers. Spend 80 percent of your “people time” with the top 20 percent. Spend 80 percent of your personal developmental dollars on the top 20 percent. Determine what 20 percent of the work gives 80 percent of the return and train an assistant to do the 80 percent less effective work. This will “free up” the producer to do what he does best. Finally, ask the top 20 percent to do on-the-job training for the next 20 percent.

13 Key Component of Leadership Integrity – It builds the followers trust. – Integrity has high influence value. – Integrity facilitates high standards. This thought is contradictory to what many people believe of leadership today. Leaders are required to live by higher standards than their followers. – Integrity results in a solid reputation, not just an image. We have all met people who can put on a good front. Integrity is what is on the inside. People with integrity will live the same way whether others are watching them or not!

14 Integrity Integrity means living it myself before leading others and expecting them to live it. Integrity helps a leader be credible, not just clever. A sincere leader will not need to flaunt the fact that they have integrity. Clever leaders who lack integrity will not last very long. And finally, integrity is a hard-won achievement. This is not just a factor that is evident in everyone’s life. It comes from self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all areas of one’s life.

15 This world needs leaders… Who take a little greater share of the blame and a little smaller share of the credit; Who lead themselves successfully before attempting to lead others; Who handle themselves with their heads and handle others with their hearts; Who live with people to know their problems and live with God in order to solve them;

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