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Mr. Downey. Emergency Fire drills Lock down Restroom sign outs Appointment sign outs.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Downey. Emergency Fire drills Lock down Restroom sign outs Appointment sign outs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Downey

2 Emergency Fire drills Lock down Restroom sign outs Appointment sign outs


4 We will be studying the following topics this year: September- October 8.1 Reconstruction Era (test) 8.2 Changing Society (DBQ and Test)

5 November – beginning January 8.3 Expansion and Imperialism (Test) 8.4 World War 1 (Test) Roaring 20’s (Test)

6 January- April 8.5 Great Depression (test and DBQ) 8.6 World War 2 (Test)

7 April - June 8.7 Foreign Policy (Test) 8.8 Demographic Change (Test) 8.9 Domestic Politics and Reform (Test)

8 Materials and supplies Pencils (Colored pencils are optional) Pens (black &blue ink NO Gel pens) Three ring binder Pocket folder

9 Grades Tests : 40% Quizzes: 30% Classwork/ writing assignments: 30% 4 Marking Periods + 1 final exam= FINAL GRADE

10 1. Good manners (always) 2. Be prepared for class 3. Be on time 4. Behavior should never interfere with learning environment…yours or others 5. Three Strikes you are OUT!


12 Marking Period Grades Tests are 40%. Test by Standards Homework and classwork 30% Quizzes 30%

13 Final Grade Four marking period Grades + Final Exam

14 Check off for _____________ Code of Conduct (White ½ sheet) Acceptable Use/Access Release (Computer) Photo Authorization (yellow) Accident and Illness Card (yellow ½ sheet) Parent/Guardian Signature Card BMI (only if parents DO NOT want you in survey Olweus Bullying Prevention Program MFLC (Green sheet)

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