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WELCOME 2016 TO THE Social Studies Fair Workshop
MIDLAND ACADEMY Social Studies Fair Workshop Mr. Slayton Lead SS Teacher 5th Grade 1
2 Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Mission Statement The mission of this workshop is to provide parents and students with a step by step guide to completing a research based project from start to finish. 2
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Avoid topics that are limited. Example: What crops are grown in our county? A student cannot write a report on a topic that can be explained in a few words or a sentence. Better topic: What is the economic impact of peanut production in our county? 3
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Avoid topics that are too broad. Example: What happened during the Civil War? A student cannot write a report on a topic that is too big to find all of the information. Better topic: What was the role of Gettysburg during the Civil War? 4
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Some topics have no available information. Example: Why did Henry Hudson get into trouble with the crew of his ship? We often do not know exactly why people did what they did in the past. 5
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Avoid topics that are confusing. Example: What do people of Japan like? We know that the people of Japan may differ in their likes and dislikes. Better topic: A comparison of Japanese and American women in sports competition? 6
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Avoid topics that people cannot agree on. Example: What’s the most powerful country in the world? The topic must be supported with facts. Better topic: Why might Japan be one of the strongest economic powers worldwide? 7
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Research the topic from a Social Studies view point rather than a from a natural science topic. Example: Nuclear power as a political issue rather than a “how it works.” 8
Social Studies Disciplines
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop Choose a Topic Social Studies Disciplines Anthropology History Economics Political Science Geography Sociology/Psychology 9
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Anthropology Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings from prehistory to contemporary societies. Examples: “Who Were The Mayas?” “Were Cavemen Creative?” “Breast Cancer and Women?” 10
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Economics Economics is the scientific study of the production and exchange of goods and services. Examples: “Is The Flat Tax Viable?” “How Do Pre-Teens Spend Their Money?” “How Has the Lottery Helped Education?” 11
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Geography Geography is the scientific study of the relationship between the physical environment and human activities. Examples: “How Can We Save Our Beaches?” “How Do We Pollute the Air?” “The Rainforests: Why Are They Disappearing?” 12
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic History History encompasses all that has happened to humanity. Examples: “The Life & Times of Harriet Tubman?” “How Has the Telephone Changed Over The Years?” “What is the History of Folk Music In America?” 13
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Political Science Political science is the scientific study of the theory and practice of humanity in organizing and controlling the power necessary for group living. Examples: “How Does The Electoral College Work?” “Are Political Campaigns Too Expensive?” “What Caused The Civil War?” 14
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Sociology/Psychology Group living is the result of humanity's social needs and necessitates cooperation within and between groups. Examples: “How Safe Are Our Foods?” “Capital Punishment: Is It The Right Answer?” “The Right To Die: Whose Choice?” 15
Questions ? Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Topic Questions ? 16
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Form a Research Question 1. List 10 questions that deal with your topic. 2. Ask each of these questions about your research topic. A. Is the topic relevant? B. Can you do original research on your topic? C. Does the question use words that need to be defined? D. Did you avoid questions with “yes” or “no” answers? 17
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Form a Research Question Continued; 2. Ask each of these questions about your research topic. E. Do you already know the answer to the question? F. Are you biased or prejudiced about the topic? G. Will you be able to draw a conclusion to the topic? H. Can you find information in your community on the topic? 18
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Form a Research Question Continued; 3. Narrow your list of questions to three. A.Discuss the questions with parents, teachers, & friends. B. Choose the best research question. 19
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Method of Research A. Begin in the Media Center. 1. Books 2. Magazines 3. Newspapers 4. Government Documents 5. Online Search Engines 20
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Choose a Method of Research B. Choose at least 1 (preferably 2 or 3) original means of research. 1. Interviews 6. Photographs 2. Polls 7. Movies/Sound Recordings 3. Oral Histories 8. Experiments/Observations 4. Case Studies 9. Maps 5. Questionnaires 10. Unpublished Manuscripts 21
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Conduct The Research A. Devise a timeline. B. Keep a daily Journal of the progress of your research. C. Roadblocks may occur during the research process. When they happen, do not quit. Talk with your parents/teacher and revise the plan. D. Not finding an answer may be just as significant as finding one. 22
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Summarize The Data A. Outlines/Essays. B. Statistics (in the form of graphs, tables, etc…) C. Photography/Diagrams/Drawings. 23
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Draw A Conclusion A. Answer the question using the data collected during the research. The project is of no use if you do not answer the question. B. Use the decision-making charts to help you draw a conclusion. 24
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Write The Research Paper 1. Front Cover Sheet- The research paper should be bound in a folder with a cover sheet that includes the following: A. The title of the project in the form of a question. B. The Student(s) name, school name, grade level, and the name of the teacher. C. You may include any necessary illustrations. 25
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Write The Research Paper 2. The Verification Page should follow the cover page. Reports must be typed or word processed. Should the report be typed by or word processed by someone other than the student, include the following statement: “I verify that this paper, typed or word processed by __________________, is exactly as I prepared it.” _________________________ Student’s Signature 26
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Write The Research Paper 3. The Body of The Summary Paper should follow the verification page. It should include: A. Statement of the question being explored. Clearly states why the research topic was chosen. B. Methodology steps followed to complete the project. C. Research Findings presents adequate and balanced information in a sequential and convincing manner. D. Conclusion a complete summary and answers the question being explored. 27
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Write The Research Paper 4. The Reference Page should follow the Body of the Summary. It should include: A. Alphabetize by the first letter in the reference. B. Italicize the title of the book or magazine. C. Put quotation marks around the titles of articles. D. Include the month, day, and year for publications. E. Indent if the reference takes more than one line. F. End each citation with a period. 28
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Write The Research Paper 1. The Research Paper should include: A. Font: 12 point. B. Line Spacing: Double line spacing. C. Script/Font: Must be legible and easy to read. D. Cover Page, Verification Page, Body of Summary Paper, References. 29
Left Panel Center Panel Right Panel Do We Have A Gas Crisis?
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop Prepare Display Board Left Panel Statement of the Problem. Procedures Used. Materials Used. Center Panel Charts Graphs Photos Right Panel Conclusion Do We Have A Gas Crisis? 30
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Abstract 1. An abstract, on a 3x5 index card, should be placed on the back of the display board. It should include: A. Title of the project in the form of a question. B. The Student(s) name who completed the project. C. Statement of the problem In a sentence, tell about the purpose of the project/what you set out to prove. D. Methodology How did you collect the information?. E. Conclusion State your position based on research. 31
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Timeline 01/12 Attend The SS Fair Workshop 01/19 Topic Selected 01/19 Write 7 Questions Related to Topic 01/26 3 Resources in Bibliography Form 02/02 Rough Draft, Bibliography, & Note cards Due 02/09 Revised Draft, Tri-Board Layout, & Design Due 02/12 Project Due Date!!! 32
Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can we have more than 1 partner? Q: How many pages will the report be? Q: What will my grade be and in what subject? Q: What type of Tri-Board can I use? Q: Do I have to give an interview? Q: Q: 33
Questions ? Midland Academy Social Studies Fair Workshop
This concludes the Social Studies Fair Workshop! 2016 Midland Academy
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