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HALWILL SCHOOL Newsletter No.33 SUMMER TERM 12 th June 2015 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT A massive THANK YOU to Clare Martyn and Kath Edworthy for sorting and arranging.

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Presentation on theme: "HALWILL SCHOOL Newsletter No.33 SUMMER TERM 12 th June 2015 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT A massive THANK YOU to Clare Martyn and Kath Edworthy for sorting and arranging."— Presentation transcript:

1 HALWILL SCHOOL Newsletter No.33 SUMMER TERM 12 th June 2015 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT A massive THANK YOU to Clare Martyn and Kath Edworthy for sorting and arranging the football tournament timetables and for ordering new kits which have gratefully been funded by The Friends and Halwill After School Club. Our thanks also to Rich Edworthy for fixing the post!; to the parents who are managing the teams; Pennie Channing, Rupert Wetherall, Nicky Wonnacott and Cath Grigg; to the volunteer referees and to The Friends for providing the tuck shop and refreshments. Here’s to a successful tournament! WILD FOR LEARNING AREA Do you have any waterproofs and outgrown wellies that you could donate to school? Making the most of our Wild for Learning Area means that sometimes opportunities are best seized rather than planned. Therefore if we have a stock of waterproofs and boots in school that we can use for our classes then we can make the most of every opportunity. Please send in any items that you have to your Class Teacher. Thank you, Miss Miners & Mrs Rothery. PE KIT – WHOLE SCHOOL REMINDER Ideally PE Kits should be brought into school on a Monday and left here all week. Due to an increasing number of children regularly forgetting their kits we have decided to adopt the following procedure:- 1 st Non-KitChildren may join in with the PE session. 2 nd Non-KitChildren may join in with the PE session and a text sent to parent. 3 rd Non-KitChildren sit out the PE session and a phonecall made to parent. We appreciate your support with this matter. Our School Attendance Target is 95.5% and 0 Late Marks. Whole School attendance for last week ~ 2 nd – 5 th June: 95.05% and 0 Late Marks

2 Mon 15 th June Mr Jones @ Ashwater Year 1 Phonics Screening Checks Miss Frayne out all day (ICT course) Mrs Cawsey in Class 3 1.30pm Tempest Teams & Leavers Photo’s 3.30 -4.45pm Taekwondo After School Club KS2 3.30-4.45pm Archery After School Club KS2 4.15pm SMT Meeting Tue 16 th June Mr Jones @ Halwill Jessica Shinn (volunteer) in Cl. 3 Chris Spreadbury – Peri Music Tuition 1.30pm New Reception Intake Visiting 2.30pm Okehampton College meeting with Year 6’s & their parents 4pm Staff Meeting Wed 17 th June Mr Jones out on Safeguarding Conference Richard Pavey – Peri Music Tuition (am) 9.15-10.15am More Able Maths @ Hatherleigh Primary 3.30-4.45pm Tennis After School Club KS2 3.30-4.30pm Outdoor Multi Skills After School Club KS1 Thu 18 th June Mr Jones @ Ashwater Class 4 Bikeability Aquathlon Competition – Torrington. Richard Pavey – Peri Music Tuition 1.30pm New Reception Intake Visiting 3:45-4:30 GolfAfter Schools Club KS2 (provided by Budehaven) 4.30pm Governors T & L Meeting @ Ashwater Fri 19 th June Mr Jones @ Halwill (am) Mr Jones @ Ashwater (pm) Class 4 Bikeability Sam Beer – Peri Music Tuition (pm) SAINSBURY’S ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS Please have a final ‘sweep’ at home to see if you have any vouchers – Mrs Skinner needs to send them off next Friday 19 th June. Thank you! TEMPEST PHOTOGRAPHER Tempest will be in school on Monday afternoon to take the Sports Teams and Year 6 Leavers Photo’s. Please ensure all sports kits are in school. Thank you!

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