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“Neighborhood Watch” Comes to Le Moyne College By : Nikki Loveless Designed to deter criminal activity and to increase student safety on the Le Moyne College.

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Presentation on theme: "“Neighborhood Watch” Comes to Le Moyne College By : Nikki Loveless Designed to deter criminal activity and to increase student safety on the Le Moyne College."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Neighborhood Watch” Comes to Le Moyne College By : Nikki Loveless Designed to deter criminal activity and to increase student safety on the Le Moyne College campus. This will be accomplished through an increased number of individuals working with campus security. This will allow more “eyes” with the right tools and training to watch over the community. It will result in a speedier alert process when crime and other potential dangers occur on campus and most importantly a greater sense of safety on the Le Moyne College campus.

2 Why does Le Moyne College need a neighborhood watch program? Number of Crimes Committed Type of Crime TOTAL # OF CRIMES = 834

3 Community Need Chart Data This website provided 3 recent years of raw data. The data were organized by different areas of Syracuse. Since Le Moyne is home to the Salt Springs Area this is why we chose this data set. This is only one section of the data used in this project. The data were broken into 4 sections of 3 months periods. (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sept, Oct-Dec.) (2013, 2014, 2015) However, please note that because we have just entered Dec. 2015, the 2015 data stops at September. This is just one example of a section of raw data used to make the graph. The rest can be found at the link provided above. Also, please note that because this data is based on real events, the data is subject to change when new evidence is found.

4 are trying to solvewill need the following: accomplish the following activities will produce will lead to the following activities: the following evidencechanges in 1–3changes in 4–6changes in 7–10 years: or service delivery:years: In our community there is too much crime in the Salt Springs area of Syracuse, N.Y Which is also home to Le Moyne College. The rate is currently 834 recorded crimes over a 32 month period in the Salt Springs area of Syracuse N.Y. It would be much better to be closer to 500 crimes recorded over a 32 month period. This problem is a result of too few (or lack of) law enforcement/authoriti es capable of deterring crime on the Le Moyne College Campus. (Reports show that crime and the presence of law enforcement on campus have an inverse relationship: Increases to the numbers of officers on campuses are paralleled by declining rates of reported crimes at the schools.). ("The Rise of Law Enforcement on College Campuses."). President, Vice President, Treasurer, Program Coordinator, Campus Security Officers, Student Volunteers with Training, Student Dispatchers, Computers, Walkie- Talkies, Radios, Phones, other equiptment, Insurance,, Offices for Administration, Dispatching Room, Common Room, where staff can find the work schedule and hold meetings. Individuals of the Le Moyne College Community who will participate in Neighborhood Watch on Le Moyne Campus, a program that Neighborhood Watch is a program that involves students, professors and other members of the college community who constantly patrol the Le Moyne College Campus. This will not only deter crime on campus but increase the odds of saving potential victims from criminal activity. Active members will not be trained like Law Enforcement, they will simply watch over the Campus and areas around the campus and notify legitimate authorities when suspicious or dangerous activity occurs. This will also decrease the amount of time it takes for a responder to arrive on scene of any incidents. the outputs will be a monthly count of how many Individuals of the Le Moyne College Community sign up for and participate in the program. The percent of Students feeling unsafe on campus. will be lower after the program compared to before the program. The percent of Criminal activity on the Le Moyne College Campus. will be lower after the program compared to before the program. The community problem of crime in the Salt Springs area of Syracuse, N.Y (Which is also home to Le Moyne College) will decline from the current amount of 834 recorded crimes over a 32 month period in the Salt Springs area of Syracuse N.Y closer to the desired lower level of 500 crimes recorded over a 32 month period. My Logical Approach

5 Literature and Other Professional Viewpoints 1.) Bonnie S. Fisher – “Crime and Fear on Campus” – An online article written by Fisher summarizing the dangers of crimes on campus and the fear faced by college students. Along with this Fisher focuses harshly on the importance by which “the law imputes to colleges and universities the duty not only to warn against known risks but also to provide reasonably adequate security protection.” 2.) J.R. Henig – “Citizens Against Crime - An Assessment of the Neighborhood Watch Program in Washington, DC” – presents a program/project evaluation which points out that although there are instances where some watch programs are not as effective as they had hoped, it still provides a much stronger sense of security for the residents of that neighborhood. Henig also mentions that sometimes a “neighborhood watch” sign is more than enough to deter potential perpetrators; even if the actual program itself does not exist. This provides enough evidence to assume that the students’ sense of safety may increase shortly or even immediately after the program is put into action. 3.) Melinda D. Anderson – "The Rise of Law Enforcement on College Campuses.“ – A report that shows that crime and the presence of law enforcement on campuses have an inverse relationship: Increases to the numbers of officers on campuses are paralleled by declining rates of reported crimes at the schools.

6 Bibliography Fisher, Bonnie S.. “Crime and Fear on Campus”. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 539 (1995): 85–101. Web. Henig, Jeffrey R.. “Citizens Against Crime - An Assessment of the Neighborhood Watch Program in Washington, DC”. (1984): 1-45. Journal. Web. Anderson, Melinda D. "The Rise of Law Enforcement on College Campuses."The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 28 Sept. 2015. Web. 05 Dec. 2015..

7 Pre (0) vs. Post (1)0 Row LabelsCount of Students feeling unsafe on campus. Feel Unsafe171 Feel Safe183 Grand Total354 Pre (0) vs. Post (1)1 Row LabelsCount of Students feeling unsafe on campus. Feel Unsafe186 Feel Safe209 Grand Total395 Data Analysis There was a slight increase in the amount of students who felt safer almost immediately after the program was put into action. Case Processing Summary Cases ValidMissingTotal NPercentN N Pre (0) vs Post (1) * Students feeling unsafe on campus. (1=Yes, 0=No) 749100.0%00.0%749100.0% Pre (0) vs Post (1) * Live On Campus (1=Yes, 0=No) 749100.0%00.0%749100.0% Pre (0) vs Post (1) * Students feeling unsafe on campus. (1=Yes, 0=No) Crosstabulation Count Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardi zed Coefficien ts tSig. BStd. ErrorBeta 1 (Constant ).525.058 9.011.000 Live On Campus -.008.038-.008-.202.840 Student Athlete -.005.044-.005-.124.901 Over Pre (0) vs Post (1). a. Dependent Variable: Students feeling unsafe on campus. (1=Yes, 0=No) Chi-Square Tests Valuedf Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided) Pearson Chi-Square.111 a 1.739 Continuity Correction b.0671.795 Likelihood Ratio.1111.739 Fisher's Exact Test.770.398 Linear-by-Linear Association.1111.739 N of Valid Cases 749

8 Survey Questions: Do you feel safe on campus? (Circle One) Yes No Do you live on campus or commute? Circle One Commute Live on Campus Evaluation Plan: O X O Analyis Testing: Chi Square, Pivot Table and Linear Regression.

9 Parameters Parameters for Neighborhood Watch on Le Moyne Campus Draft Budget for Years (August 2016-July2017) Assumptions: (add assumptions here) 4 Security Officers, 10 Student Volunteers, 5 Student Dispatchers People Served: Number of Individuals of the Le Moyne College Community served this year. 3000 (Le Moyne Population) Staffing Costs- Administrative: (add annual salaries here) President40000 Vice President35000 Treasurer30000 Program Coordinator25000 Staffing Costs- Programming Staff: (add annual salaries here) Campus Security Officers45000 Student Volunteers with Training5000 Student Dispatchers3500 Fringe Benefits (be sure to withold these in compliance with federal law) Social Security (%)7.15% Unemp/Disability (%)8.00% Health insurance ($/month)$200 Dental insurance ($/month)$14.70 Pension (%)3.53333333% Materials Costs (do these on a per client served basis) Computers 3000 Walkie-Talkes, Radios, Phones, other equiptment 2500 Golf Carts 10000 Office Space (Rental costs etc.) Offices for Adiminstration 0 Dispatching Room 0 Common Room, where staff can find the work schedule and hold meetings 0 Revenues (Be sure to aspire to revenues appropriate to your project) Donations (Case Foundation)100000 Grant (Obama's Grant Giveaway)25000 Fundraising8500 SUSTAINABILITY

10 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTotal Monthly Individuals of the Le Moyne College Community3,000 Monthly President $ 3,333 $ 40,000 Vice President $ 2,917 $ 35,000 Cost per Treasurer $ 2,500 $ 30,000 Program Coordinator $ 2,083 $ 25,000 Staffing Costs- Programming Staff: (add annual salaries here) Campus Security Officers $ 15,000 $ 180,000 Student Volunteers with Training $ 4,167 $ 50,000 Student Dispatchers $ 1,458 $ 17,500 Fringe Benefits (be sure to withold these in compliance with federal law) Social Security (%) $ 14,777 $ 177,320 Unemp/Disability (%) $ 16,533 $ 198,400 Health insurance ($/month) $ 1,600 $ 19,200 Dental insurance ($/month)$118 $ 1,411 Pension (%)$7,302 $ 87,627 Materials Costs (do these on a per client served basis) Computers$250 $ 3,000 Walkie-Talkes, Radios, Phones, other equiptment$208 $ 2,500 Golf Carts$833 $ 10,000 Office Space (Rental costs etc.)$0 Offices for Adiminstration$0 Dispatching Room$0 Common Room, where staff can find the work schedule and hold meetings$0 Revenues (Be sure to aspire to revenues appropriate to your project) Donations (Case Foundation)$8,333 $ 100,000 Grant (Obama's Grant Giveaway)$2,083 $ 25,000 Fundraising$708 $ 8,500 Total Costs$73,080 $876,958 Total Revenues $11,125 $133,500 Surplus or Deficit ($61,955) $ (743,458) Cost per Individuals of the Le Moyne College Community served:$292.32 $3,507.83

11 What do you think ?

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