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General product safety The role of consumer organisations Enforcement of consumer protection Thessaloniki, 22-23 November 2004 Tania Vandenberghe ANEC.

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Presentation on theme: "General product safety The role of consumer organisations Enforcement of consumer protection Thessaloniki, 22-23 November 2004 Tania Vandenberghe ANEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 General product safety The role of consumer organisations Enforcement of consumer protection Thessaloniki, 22-23 November 2004 Tania Vandenberghe ANEC Programme Manager

2 All products must be safe! 11/2004

3 Why are consumer associations involved? How are consumer associations involved? Benefits of their involvement 11/2004 Market surveillance

4 Manufacturers are responsible for the safety of their products Standardisation sets the criteria for safety Government is responsible for market surveillance 11/2004 Market surveillance

5 Insert picture of pinguine (TV) 11/2004

6 Unsafe products induce a loss of consumer confidence! 11/2004

7 cannot be left to government and industry alone consumer organisations have to be involved 11/2004 Product safety

8 On behalf of government Independent watch-dog through comparative product testing 11/2004 How are consumers involved?

9 Product testing can show deficiencies in market surveillance Consumers need information to make informed choices Need for a watch-dog in the system 11/2004 Lesson to be learned

10 Comparative testing is expensive Hence consumer organisations seek international collaboration: ICRT 11/2004 International collaboration

11 Consumer participation is essential Lobby to improve access by consumers Relationships to help advise and support Cooperation at European level (ANEC) 11/2004 Standardisation

12 Represents and defends consumer interests in standardisation Funded by European Commission and EFTA Provides technical expertise based on Europe-wide network of 200 experts 11/2004 ANEC

13 Areas of priority 11/2004 Child Safety Design for All Domestic Appliances Environment Information Society Services Traffic Safety

14 Research is key 11/2004 Consumer positions are based on scientific evidence

15 11/2004 Example: Traffic safety

16 Standards affect us all every day everywhere Regulatory role of standards in EU (comple- menting legislation) Weak consumer participation at national level in 10 out of 18 European countries 11/2004 Why is ANEC’s work important? 8

17 11/2004 What do consumer organisations expect from market surveillance?

18 11/2004 Consumer protection as the guiding principle Sanctions for violation of safety laws Improved efficiency More resources Transparency

19 Av. de Tervueren 36 B-1040 Bruxelles phone: +32-2-743.24.70 e-mail: internet:

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