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-AR verbs Present Tense Indicative Set notes up in a 2 column note format.

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1 -AR verbs Present Tense Indicative Set notes up in a 2 column note format

2  Meaning  There are 3 meanings in the present tense.  Is, am, are, does, and do are all implied with the verb conjugation.  NEVER use the verbs hacer, estar, or ser when conjugating or translating –AR verbs.  EX) Yo hablo español. =  I speak Spanish.  I do speak Spanish.  I am speaking Spanish.

3  Conjugating  There are 2 parts to a verb; the stem and the ending.  THINK of a flower. The Stem is the verb and the Flower is the –AR ending.  EX) cantar  cant = the stem  AR = the ending

4 `  Conjugating  Indicates who or what is performing the action of the verb.  Simply drop the –AR verb ending and insert the proper verb ending according to the subject.

5  EndingsSingularPlural Yo - oNosotros - amos Tú- asVosotros – áis ÉlEllos Ella- aEllas - an UDUDS.

6  EXAMPLES  Caminar = to walk  Tú caminas = You walk, You do walk You are walking.  Marta camina.= Marta walks. Marta does walk. Marta is walking.

7  Negatives  To say someone or something doesn’t/isn’t perform an action, simply put “NO” in front of the verb.  EX) Ellos no miran la televisión.  They don’t watch T.V.  They aren’t watching T.V.  Nunca = never  Ellos no miran la televisión nunca. =  They never watch T.V.

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