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Presentation on theme: "TESTING/PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF CATALYSTS"— Presentation transcript:

Presentation to Nagarjuna Fertilizers Team National Centre for Catalysis Research Indian Institute of Technology Chennai 20th Sept.2009

2 Outline Objectives Performance of catalysts
Laboratory scale evaluation Pilot scale evaluation Industrial reactors Catalyst Testing- Essentials

3 Objectives Checking performance of new catalysts
Comparison of different catalysts/selection Optimize process parameters Effect of feedstock, impurities Assessment of catalyst life, regenerability Generation of kinetics data To establish the key performance parameters

4 Catalysts-Performance materials
Expected to display specific space time yield- yield per unit wt. of catalyst per unit time Better process economics Reasonable life and regenerability/re-use Cost effective Process economics- Key driver for catalyst selection/regeneration

5 Parameters for evaluation
Activity % Conversion per pass Selectivity - Extent of formation of desired product Minimum side products Yield Based on activity & selectivity Life Duration for which desired activity & selectivity are maintained (Cycle/Total) Regenerability- Ability to regain activity after one life- cycle Key performance parameters

6 Stages of evaluation Laboratory scale Pilot scale
A number of catalyst recipes are tested & the most promising ones are examined further Pilot scale Establishing long term stability & process parameters optimization for selected catalysts Semi-commercial/Demonstration Establishing commercial viability of the final catalyst/process Development of catalytic process technology

7 Laboratory data- Criteria
Fast screening of catalysts Evaluation of activity & selectivity under different process conditions Effect of pressure, temperature, feed composition, H2/HC ratios Effect of alternative / variations / impurities in feedstocks, moisture etc.

8 Laboratory reactors Pulse micro reactor
Small amount of catalyst (mg) / reactants (µl) Reactants are injected as liquid/gas pulses Carrier gas (CG) takes the reactant vapors to the catalyst bed Reactor effluent directly enters GC for analysis The reaction takes place under non- steady state conditions Useful for fast screening of catalysts CG Liquid GSV R GC Preliminary screening of catalysts

9 Laboratory reactors Continuous Flow reactor
Consists of a liquid feed pump (F), inlet gas control (GI), Pre-heater (P), reactor ®, gas-liquid separator (C) with provisions for gas outlet (GO) and liquid sampling (L) 1-5 g of samples can be used Useful for fast screening of catalysts Can be operated at atmospheric or higher pressures Preliminary data on effect of temperature, contact time, feed-gas molar ratios can be studied Model compounds as reactants F P GI R GO C L To study vapor phase reactions

10 Continuous Flow reactor
Reactor system can be configured for on-line / off-line analysis using 6 port sampling valves Fluid flow, pressure & temperature controls are critical

11 Ideal reactors - CSTR No temperature or concentration gradients
Isothermal Plug flow Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor CSTR Useful for generation of true kinetic data

12 Laboratory reactors Differential flow reactors
Conversion across the bed is very small (8-10 %) Inlet & outlet stream composition would be almost identical There is no rate variation across the bed One can get the actual kinetic rate data Isothermal conditions and external & internal mass transfer criteria (particle size, reactor aspect ratios, flow rates) to be maintained

13 Laboratory reactors Integral flow reactors
Can be operated with large conversions Isothermicity is the most essential condition Dilution with inerts is resorted to in exo / endo thermic reactions Activity, selectivity, stability & reaction kinetics data can be generated with suitable equations Data can be extended to large scale operation/ process development after appropriate corrections Can be validated with actual commercial reactor data

14 Pilot plant data- Criteria
Use of actual feedstock Susceptibility to feed/ process impurities Actual process conditions to be employed Reactor design similar to commercial one Statistical design of experiments to optimize process parameters- Use of different models Data accuracy, reliability & reproducibility to be ensured Critical for catalyst/process development

15 Methods for life test Constant Temperature Policy
Temperature, pressure & flow conditions are kept constant. Variations in conversion w.r.t time are traced Constant Conversion Policy At set pressure & flow conditions, temperature required to maintain fixed conversion is traced % C Time T Data from both approaches can be fitted into standard mathematical expressions Time Needs judicious choice of experimental conditions

16 Accelerated Life Test Under typical process conditions some catalysts display steady activity over long period Evaluation of actual life may take long time Process parameters are chosen in such a way that catalyst gets deactivated fast. Under these conditions life of the new catalyst is compared with that of standard catalyst Time required for life test is drastically reduced Methods comparative Validated with actual commercial Performance data T Time Highly useful approach for catalysts development

17 Types of reactors Fixed bed /Packed bed Fluid bed
Axial Flow - Most common, simple design Radial flow - Lower pressure drop, higher feed flow, better selectivity Isothermal – Multi tubular –Exothermic reactions Adiabatic- Exothermic reactions Fluid bed Effective solid- fluid contact Efficient heat removal Reactor designs specific to the process

18 Types of industrial reactors
Hydrogenation / Dehydrogenation Catalyst Catalyst Ethylene oxidation Adiabatic Axial flow Adiabatic Radial flow Multi tubular Axial flow

19 Fluid bed reactor Butane to MA Oxychlorination of Ethylene to EDC
Ammoxidation of Propylene to ACN

20 Slurry phase reactors Catalytic hydrogenation

21 Trickle bed reactor Hydrotrating- HDS,HDN, HDM

22 Bubble column reactors
Oligomerization of olefins

23 Deactivation patterns- Specific to catalyst-reaction

24 Wide variation of deactivation time scale

25 Catalyst life & Reactor types
Deactivation pattern decides the reactor configuration

26 Catalytic dehydrogenation of Paraffins- Reactor configurations

27 Catalytic dehydrogenation of Paraffins- Reactor configurations

28 Testing of Catalysts- Essentials
Purpose –Screening, optimization, stability, process development, kinetics Choice of appropriate reactor systems at Lab/Pilot scale Ensure proper process control systems, P,T,F Ensure Isothermicity & freedom from transport limitations Planning suitable experimental methodology/approach Evolve standard analytical methods Ensure accuracy, reliability, reproducibility of data Develop mathematical correlations- Pilot scale- Commercial scale Continuous review & up gradation of the protocols

29 Q & A Thank you !


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