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By the end of the lesson………

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1 By the end of the lesson………
I will be able to write a balanced argument to answer the question “ Did Mary I deserve the nickname Bloody Mary”? I will also be able to explain why some people interpret /view the past in different ways

2 Assessment Criteria All - can explain that the past can be represented or interpreted in different ways. (Level 4) Most - can suggest reasons for different interpretations of events, people. ( Level 5) Some - can describe and begin to explain different historical interpretations of events and people ( Level 6)

3 So, did Mary I deserve the nickname “Bloody Mary?”

4 Early Life She doted on her father but was sent away when she was young He once boasted that “this little girl never cries” She lived in fear for her life when Edward VI ( her half brother) was King as she continued to hear mass. His advisors did not like fact that she was Catholic.

5 Queen Mary When Edward died Lady Jane Grey was made Queen by Edward on his death bed The Duke of Northumberland put pressure on Edward to name Lady Jane Grey Queen ( She was his daughter in law) The Duke took advantage of Edward’s strong protestant beliefs to achieve this.

6 Queen Lady Jane Grey Lady Jane Grey – Queen for nine days

7 However…………. Mary and Elizabeth rode into London and deposed Queen Jane Mary became Mary I who was popular with the people of England (Catherine had always been popular with the English people) Lady Jane Grey was now locked up in the Tower of London alongside her new husband

8 So where did all go wrong?
Mary’s marriage to Phillip of Spain (later Phillip II) was extremely unpopular. People thought Spain would control England. There was public disorder and an unsuccessful rebellion led by Wyatt who wanted to put Elizabeth on the throne.

9 Phillip and Mary I

10 Consequences…….. Wyatt was executed claiming Elizabeth had nothing to do with the plot Elizabeth was arrested and taken to the tower of London Lady Jane Grey was executed, she was only 16 years old.

11 Execution of Lady Jane Gray
Execution Lady Jane Gray. What was she killed with? Why was she executed?

12 A young Elizabeth by unknown artist

13 The Counter-Reformation
Mary now made the Roman Catholic Church the official religion of England Churches had statues and stained glass windows returned. Priests who were married had to leave their wives The Pope was now Head of the Church Those that refused to change their religion were ………..

14 And this one????? Execution of Thomas Crammer

15 Martyrs 284 Protestants were burned publicly at the stake for the crime of Heresy These deaths were recorded in Foxes Book of Martyrs which later became the best selling book in England Thomas Crammer recanted but was executed anyway Mary was given the nickname “Bloody Mary” but was this fair?

16 On the one hand………… Write a heading “Did Mary I deserve the nickname “Bloody Mary” and underline this twice. Now write a paragraph using the opening sentence above to explain why Mary deserved this nickname.

17 Is this a balanced argument?

18 What can you learn from this graph?
Monarch Length of reign Burnings for heresy Other executions Henry VII Henry VIII ,000 Edward VI Mary Elizabeth hanged after rebellion I n North Every year people hanged in county of Essex alone for small-scale theft.

19 On the other hand……… Protestants were being burned and executed throughout Europe by the Roman Catholic church on the orders of the Pope. None of the other rulers are remembered this way Mary believed that she was saving people souls from “eternal damnation” Some Historians believe that Foxes Book of Martyr’s was used as propaganda against Mary and affected how people remembered her

20 On the other hand………. Now write another paragraph to give the other side of the argument using the opening sentence above. Make sure that you use figures from the table

21 In my opinion I think that…..
Now write a final paragraph and to say whether you think that Mary deserved this nickname or not. Make sure that you give your reasons. Remember not to judge people in the past by our standards today and remember religion was very important to many people during the Tudor period.

22 Extension Write an obituary of Mary’s life from a Catholic perspective. Annotate and explain all the phrases a Protestant would disagree with. You will need to show Bias which is evident in the use of adjectives e.g. Courageous, Saintly, righteous, bloodthirsty

23 Challenge Look at the following site you can read a letter from Elizabeth to Mary. Can you summarize what she is saying to her half sister? aphy/pdf/doc_1.pdf

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