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Nathaniel Ley CIS235 Dec. 09, 2011. Why do we need Tor?  Encryption is not enough to ensure complete anonymity, since packet headers can still reveal.

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Presentation on theme: "Nathaniel Ley CIS235 Dec. 09, 2011. Why do we need Tor?  Encryption is not enough to ensure complete anonymity, since packet headers can still reveal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nathaniel Ley CIS235 Dec. 09, 2011

2 Why do we need Tor?  Encryption is not enough to ensure complete anonymity, since packet headers can still reveal a great deal about users.  Tor protects users against traffic analysis.  Keeps websites from tracking users.  Connect to internet services that are blocked in certain countries.  Upload a document or send an email anonymously.

3 Who uses Tor?  Wikileaks  Journalists  Whistleblowers  Activist Groups

4  Tor builds a circuit of encrypted connections through relays on the network.



7 Onion(Tor)Routing…  The sender picks nodes  Sender wraps the message with layered encryption  Each node passes the message, removing an encryption layer  The exit node peels the last layer, and sends it to the intended recipient


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