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Comenius multilateral project: „Our small but steady steps together save the 3E: Environment, Europe and Earth!” Project meeting Moreni- Romania June,

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Presentation on theme: "Comenius multilateral project: „Our small but steady steps together save the 3E: Environment, Europe and Earth!” Project meeting Moreni- Romania June,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comenius multilateral project: „Our small but steady steps together save the 3E: Environment, Europe and Earth!” Project meeting Moreni- Romania June, 2014

2 Energy resources in Romania Romania has a wide range of CONVENTIONAL energy resources, which are, however, limited, as well as an exploitable potential of UNCONVENTIONAL ones. Conventional energy is generated by non-renewable resources, especially by fossil fuel and minerals: coal, petroleum, uranium ore, natural gas. - Unconventional energy refers to forms of energy produced by transferring the energy that results from natural renewable processes. Solar, wind, water, biological energy can be used by people through different procedures.

3 The combined available energy of Power stations on the 1 st of January 2010 Total 17.693 MW Nuclear and wind power plant Coal power plant Gas power plant Hydro power plant

4 The nuclear power plant is a set of installations and structures combined to produce electrical energy based on using nuclear energy. The equipment that guarantees all the requirements in order to obtain and maintain the chain reaction is the nuclear reactor The initial plan, dating from the beginning of 1980s, involved the construction of 5 units. The construction ended in 1996. This plant covers about 18% of the electricity consumption of Romania. Conventional sources of energy The Nuclear Power Plant from Cernavod ă

5 Energy based on fossil fuel: coal CO-Oltenia Energy Complex – covers 30% of the electricity needed in Romania; it has got 13 units with a power of 3900 MW. CEH-Hunedoara Energy Complex - provides, based on coal, about 5% of electricity production in Romania, with an existing installed capacity of 1,225 MW

6 Energy based on fossil fuel Natural gas The OMV Petrom gas power plant from Brazi - opened for commercial use in 2012, had in 2013 a production of 2.74 TWh, covering about 5% of the electrical energy produced in Romania..

7 The estimation of the national reserves of natural gas and oil from Romania by the year 2020. YearOil million tons Natural gas billion cubic meters 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Premises taken into consideration for the estimation 60 56 52 48 45 41 38 34 31 28 The oil production can drop 2-4% per year 134 127 120 114 107 101 95 89 83 77 The natural gas production can drop 2- 5% per year

8 Renewable sources of energy in Romania Biomass is the main rural fuel used especially for heating and hot water, as well as for cooking. The biomass covers about 7% of the energy demand and about 50% of the potential of renewable sources Romania has; Geothermal energy – which can be used for heating and hot water. Due to its layout, the main potential of use is in rural areas- houses, aquaculture, greenhouses, milk pasteurization – in buildings which are within 35 km from the extraction point. Solar energy, especially for domestic hot water, determining the reduction of fossil fuel used during the process. Micro hydroelectric power plants can be an option for supplying rural areas with electricity Wind turbines can also cover the necessary electricity for rural areas which are difficult to reach.

9 Hydroelectric power S.C. HIDROELECTRICA S.A The biggest energy producer in Romania The biggest system service provider from Romania (about 80% of the total number) ensuring the stability of the National Energetic System, the energy that corresponds to an average hydrologic year is of 17, 46 TWh The society has in its patrimony: - 104 dams, out of which 89 big ones (H> 10m and storage volume > 1 million m 3- the biggest storage from Iron Gates I (Porţile de Fier), V= 2100 million m 3) - about 350 km of water delivery canals - about 750 km of under pressure galleries - about 650 km of dams - 129 buildings for hydroelectric power plants, each of them with an estimated power of 4MW On the 31 st of December 2012 Hidroelectrica had an estimated power of 6470.403 MW.

10 The hydroelectric power plant Iron Gates (Porţile de Fier) The hydroelectric power plant Iron Gates (Porţile de Fier) was opened on the 1 st of January 1964 and it is the biggest one from the Danube and one of the largest hydro technical establishments in Europe. The hydroelectric power plant Iron Gates produces about 14% of the electricity needed in Romania.

11 I. Danube Delta (solar energy) II. Dobrogea (solar and wind power energy ) III. Moldova (plains and plateaux – micro-hydro, biomass and wind power energy) IV. The Carpathian Mountains IV1. Eastern Carpathians IV2. Southern Carpathians IV3. Western Carpathians (biomass and micro-hydro) V. Transylvania plateau (micro-hydro) VI. The Western Plain (geothermal energy) The map of the available renewable energy sources for each region: VII. The Sub Carpathians – VII1. Getic Sub Carpathians VII2. Curvature Carpathians VII3. Moldova Sub Carpathians VIII. (Biomass and micro-hydro) Southern Plain (biomass, solar and geothermal energy)

12 Biomass energy in Romania Biomass- the biodegradable attribute of products, waste, residua of biologic origin from agriculture (including animal and plant compound), forestry and similar industry branches, including fishing and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable attribute of industrial and municipal waste. Romania has a high energetic potential for biomass (about 7.6 mil. - toe (Tonne of oil equivalent) / per year~ 318 PJ): -residua coming from logging and wood processing- 15.5%; - wood waste- sawdust and other remnants- 6.4%; - agriculture waste coming from cereal, maize stalk, grapevine vegetal waste – 63.2%; -biogas- 7.7%; - household waste- 7.2%

13 Geothermal energy in Romania It is used especially in Oradea, Beiuş, S ă cuieni, Marghita The first electric power plant in Romania that uses as main source of energy geothermal water has an estimated power of 50kW, with an annual energy production of 400MWh. Green houses are heated using a bio ecological system with geothermal water.

14 Solar energy Romania receives from the Sun, on average 1100÷ 1400 kWh/m2/ per year The energetic potential of solar thermal systems is estimated to 1.434 toe (Tonne of oil equivalent) per year, and that of photovoltaic systems is about 1.200 GWh per year Tonne of oil equivalent = toe SOLAR RADIATION MAP - THE INTENSITY OF SOLAR RADIATION (KWH/M2/YEAR) I >1350 II 1300-1350 III 1250-1300 IV 1200-1250 V < 1200.

15 Wind energy The wind farm from Constanţa The wind farm from Dobrogea, Constanţa county, produces energy to service more than a million households every year. This is the biggest onshore wind farm in Europe Given the enormous wind potential and the benefits that its use as energy source has, Romania will focus more on developing sources of wind energy.

16 Romanian teams: Andreea, Valentin, Ana Bianca Simina Ana Silviu Alexandru

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