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9/28 & 9/29 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Reading & Note Taking p.23 & 24 Brain Pop: Scientific Method Classwork: Scientific Inquiry Process Classwork:

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Presentation on theme: "9/28 & 9/29 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Reading & Note Taking p.23 & 24 Brain Pop: Scientific Method Classwork: Scientific Inquiry Process Classwork:"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/28 & 9/29 - 7 th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Reading & Note Taking p.23 & 24 Brain Pop: Scientific Method Classwork: Scientific Inquiry Process Classwork: Chap 1 Study Guide Class Reading: p23 – 26 HW: Reading & Note Taking p.25 - 28 Reminder: Chap 1 Test on 10/4 Extra Credit: 100% Correct on Chap 1 Self Assessment on (3 Points) Due 10/4

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: What is a manipulated variable? What is the problem if there is more than one manipulated variable in an experiment?

3 Nature of Inquiry Posing a q________ Forming a Hy________ Design an Ex________ Collect and Int_________ data Draw C__________ Com__________ uestions pothesis periments erprete onclusions municate

4 What is the difference between Manipulated Variable and Responding Variable? Manipulated Variable: Type of water that you give to plants Responding Variable: Height of the plant

5 Manipulated Variable (Also known as Independent Variable) The one variable that is purposely cha______ in an experiment is called the manipulated variable. nged

6 Responding Variable (Also known as Dependent Variable) The factor that may change in resp_____ to the manipulated variable is called the responding variable onse

7 What is the manipulated variable and responding variable? When I lower the light the crickets chirp louder

8 What is the manipulated variable and responding variable? Plants exposed to rock & roll music grow taller than plants not exposed to music

9 What is the manipulated variable and responding variable? students who have eaten breakfast score higher on tests than students who have not eaten breakfast.

10 Control A control is part of the experiment to which you can compare the results of the other tests. In the control, the conditions are the s____ except for the manipulated variable. ame Sugar Water Water

11 Operational Definition Operational definition is a statement that describes how to mea_____ a variable or define a term. For example, in the cricket experiment, what sound will count as a single chirp? sure


13 Triple beam balance scale tutorial http://www.wisc- H202 weblab/TBBins.html weblab/TBBins.html

14 Mass Lab

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