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Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester The Management of Large Engineering (Physical Infrastructure) Projects: Debating.

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Presentation on theme: "Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester The Management of Large Engineering (Physical Infrastructure) Projects: Debating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester The Management of Large Engineering (Physical Infrastructure) Projects: Debating a Research Agenda Nuno Gil AoM 2007 Philadelphia Nuno Gil,, AoM Philadelphia 2007

2 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Objectives Debate three fundamental questions in managing large- scale engineering (physical infrastructure) projects: Why is management of these projects so complex ? Why do traditional project management methods fail to capture their dynamics, uncertainty, and ambiguity? What conceptual frameworks and methods are more suited?

3 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Background Management of large engineering (physical infrastructure) projects remains topic under explored in AoM In 1999, more than 1,500 large projects were being developed across the world (Miller and Lessard 2000) Merrow’s (1988) study of 52 civilian mega-projects found an average cost overrun of 88% International Energy Agency suggests that £10.4 trillion are needed to overcome decades of underinvestment in basic energy infrastructure

4 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Background Management of large engineering projects is tightly linked to business. – Some businesses are promoters of major projects Governments and local authorities increasingly resort to private-finance initiatives (PFI) and privatization to commission new infrastructures & maintain existing ones Private equity venturing into infrastructure due to secure, steady inflation-proof income that assets provide to diversify through alternatives and hedge longevity risk –From 2004 to 2006, infrastructure transactions have risen from $33.8bn to about $147bn

5 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Activities Four 15-minute presentations (aprox. 10 min + 5 min Q&A) Open Debate (20 min)

6 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Presentations Donald Lessard (MIT): Managing (in the face of) Risk and Uncertainty in Large Complex Projects. 3-year engagement in major project-related research and executive education - the BP Projects Academy. Stewart Clegg/Tyrone Pitsis (UTS): Projects of Life How projects can enhance life at work as contexts of fulfillment Graham Winch (MBS): Project escalation/Optimism bias In-depth analysis of Channel tunnel project Ray Levitt (Stanford): Finding Better Governance Structures to Plan & execute Multi-national,-sectoral, Long Lived Projects Development of infrastructure in emerging markets/ work in the Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects

7 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester THANKS FOR ACCEPTING THE INVITATION!

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