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Improving outcomes in literacy and numeracy Ysgol Glan Gele.

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1 Improving outcomes in literacy and numeracy Ysgol Glan Gele


3 Infant school in Abergele 268 learners 3–7 years 2 or 3 classes per year FSM – 38% Low entry baseline ‘Close the gap’ by the end of Year 2 Level 2 2007English2 Maths3 CSI3 Level 3 2007English3 Maths3 Science3

4 Provision Additional learning needs (ALN) groups – early identification Established more able and talented groups (MAT) – Challenge Award Outdoor classroom Forest school Nurture group Standards and curriculum leader Skills and assessment leader Consistent and supportive marking Tracking – target setting Planning

5 Consistent across the school Pace and high expectation Literacy and numeracy given a high status Ensure literacy and numeracy skills are transferrable into all areas of learning

6 Reading Systematic synthetic phonics Train all staff Group reading Shared reading Individual reading Reading material for boys Half-termly assessments NFER

7 Writing Story making Shared writing – writing modelled by class teacher and read by children Opportunities to develop writing skills across the curriculum in different areas of learning Planning of writing – through mind maps, drafting and reviewing writing High expectation Handwriting – targeted lunchtime group Good quality displays to illustrate different forms of writing Effective assessment leads learners to understand how to improve their work

8 Rockets Boys-only literacy strategy

9 Rich dynamic indoor and outdoor literacy environment

10 Skills and assessment manager Tracks skills development across the curriculum Monitor medium- and short-term planning Track assessment data Staff meetings Monitor workbooks for continuity and progression Transferable skills – Knowledge and understanding of the World (KUW) Opportunities for extended pieces and investigations

11 Numeracy Whole-school approach Groups – ability Interventions for less able and ‘catch up’ Magic Maths (more able and talented) Challenge to attain Level 3/O6 Mathematical vocabulary used in all areas of learning Plan to provide learners with regular opportunities to use and apply their mathematical skills in a range of situations and contexts Problem solving and investigations Ensure learners are taught the mathematical skills and knowledge they need to meet the requirements of other curriculum areas

12 Headteacher and standards manager monitor: Family core data Local authority Wales Cohort predictions Tracking Assessment English Mathematics

13 20072008200920102011English21111 Maths32111 Science22122 CSI32111 Key Stage 1 benchmarking (2+) Key Stage 1 benchmarking (3+)20072008200920102011English31111 Maths32111 Science31111

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