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ES2002 Business Communication Letter Writing: Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "ES2002 Business Communication Letter Writing: Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES2002 Business Communication Letter Writing: Planning

2 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning2 Planning involves: Understanding the situation / problem Defining your objectives Analysing your reader

3 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning3 Understanding the situation / problem Relevant question to ask: What prompts you to write this letter?

4 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning4 Defining your objectives Relevant questions to consider: What is/are your purpose(s)? What specific information do you want your readers to give/to know? What specific action(s) do you want your readers to take? What specific attitude(s) do you want your readers to adopt?

5 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning5 Analysing your reader For message to be meaningful to readers, carefully analyse: their information needs; their concerns/questions; their characteristics; your relationship with them; and their attitude towards you and the subject.

6 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning6 Readers’ informational needs Consider: Your readers’ familiarity with the subject. The specific pieces of information you need to give your readers. Analysing readers Readers’ informational needs

7 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning7 Readers’ concerns/questions Identify specific issues they will be concerned about. Identify specific questions they will be asking. Anticipate which parts of the letter they are likely to accept/reject. Analysing readers Readers’ concerns/questions

8 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning8 Readers’ characteristics Think about: Your readers’ position in the organisation. Your readers’ educational background. Your readers’ familiarity with the technicalities of your profession. Analysing readers Readers’ characteristics

9 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning9 Your relationship with your readers Look at the relationship from: A social point of view. A professional point of view. Analysing readers Your relationship with readers

10 ES2002 Business Communication: Letter Writing: Planning10 Readers’ attitude towards you and the subject Likely possibilities: Negative Positive Neutral/Indifferent Analysing readers Readers’ attitude towards you/subject

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