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Family and Consumer Sciences Unit 6: Foods and Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "Family and Consumer Sciences Unit 6: Foods and Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family and Consumer Sciences Unit 6: Foods and Nutrition

2 Objective 6.5: Name factors to consider in meal planning Nutrition How the meal fits in with the day’s eating pattern People who will be eating the meal –What are their nutritional needs –What are their likes and dislikes –Foods to avoid because of medical reasons Consider your resources

3 Resources for meals Time and energy Food choices and availability Money Preparation skills Equipment

4 Meal appeal-pg 416 Color Shape and size Flavor and aroma Texture Temperature

5 Objective: Planning successful meals In order to plan a successful meal, you need to make a meal work plan and a meal schedule. Meal Work Plan: steps in preparing your meal and estimated time for each step Work Schedule: time schedule for starting, and serving the meal

6 10-22-12 Complete the following questions on a sheet of paper: –Page 431 questions #2, 3, 4, 8 –Plan one meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) that has meal appeal

7 Objective 6.9: Name types of grocery stores (ch 12-1) Supermarkets: Large stores that sell not only food but also many other items and services. Warehouse stores: offer basic items with few customer services; prices are lower than in most supermarkets. Food Cooperatives: (low-cost) food distribution organizations mutually owned and operated by a group of people.

8 Cont… Health food stores: offer a wide range of foods including items seldom found elsewhere. (foods can be more expensive) Specialty stores: Limited to specific items such as fish, meat, baked goods, deli foods, or ethnic foods. (prices may be higher) Convenience stores: give fast service and usually open early and close late. (small selection of foods)

9 Cont… Farmer’s markets: specialize in fresh fruits and vegetables. (seasonal)

10 Objective 6.10: Describe grocery shopping techniques Know when to shop –How often? –Which days? –What time of day? Make a shopping list –Organize your list! Use coupons –Cents off or rebate coupons Read food labels (sect 12-2)

11 Objective 6.11: Describe food storage techniques (sect 7-4) Spoilage and nutrient loss Basic storage principles Room temperature storage Cold storage –Refrigerator –Freezer

12 Objective 6.12: Designate and analyze safety and sanitation procedures to follow in the kitchen area (7-2, 7-3) SAFETY: General safety guidelines, pg. 190 Preventing cuts and falls, pg. 191 Using electricity safely, pg.192 Hazardous chemicals, pg. 193 Fire safety, pg. 194-195 Special needs, pg. 196-197

13 SANITATION: Food safety, pg.198-199 Cleanliness in the kitchen, pg. 200-202 Proper food temperatures, pg. 203-205

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