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On Dreams Sigmund Freud (1914). Background Czech Austrian, 1859-1939 Czech Austrian, 1859-1939 “Father of psychoanalysis” “Father of psychoanalysis” Oedipus.

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Presentation on theme: "On Dreams Sigmund Freud (1914). Background Czech Austrian, 1859-1939 Czech Austrian, 1859-1939 “Father of psychoanalysis” “Father of psychoanalysis” Oedipus."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Dreams Sigmund Freud (1914)

2 Background Czech Austrian, 1859-1939 Czech Austrian, 1859-1939 “Father of psychoanalysis” “Father of psychoanalysis” Oedipus complex Oedipus complex “Freudian slips” “Freudian slips” Three parts of psyche: Three parts of psyche: Id: childlike, impulsive (unconscious) Super-ego: moral code, right & wrong (conscience) Ego: bridges the gap between the two (conscious)

3 Dream Symbolism The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) Shorter summary of work: On Dreams (1914) Shorter summary of work: On Dreams (1914) Freud believed dreams contain: symbolism symbolism human thought without censorship human thought without censorship wish fulfillment wish fulfillment

4 “[T]he popular view holds firmly to the belief that dreams really have got a meaning... that can be unraveled in some way... from its oft bizarre and enigmatic content.... This is done either scene by scene, according to some rigid key, or the dream as a whole is replaced by something else of which it were a symbol.... One day I discovered to my amazement that the popular view grounded in superstition, and not the medical one, comes nearer to the truth about dreams.” -- Freud, On Dreams (p.2-3) -- Freud, On Dreams (p.2-3) (author’s italics) (author’s italics)

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