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‘WOMAN AND HOME’ By Tanisha, Charley and jade. OUR MAGAZINE We have been looking at the magazine ‘woman and home’ we conducted a questionnaire to inform.

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Presentation on theme: "‘WOMAN AND HOME’ By Tanisha, Charley and jade. OUR MAGAZINE We have been looking at the magazine ‘woman and home’ we conducted a questionnaire to inform."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘WOMAN AND HOME’ By Tanisha, Charley and jade

2 OUR MAGAZINE We have been looking at the magazine ‘woman and home’ we conducted a questionnaire to inform us on what our class members thought of ‘woman and home’ magazine compared to others they read personally. We looked at the NRS website to determine the demographics of the target audience for ‘woman and home’ magazine We then conducted a textual analysis for our magazine

3 QUESTIONS FROM OUR QUESTIONNAIRE 1.What is your age? 2.What is your gender? 3.What’s your occupation? 4.Give two positive elements about woman and home magazine? 5.What would stop you buying woman and home magazine? 6.What is your favourite magazine and what do you like about it? 7.Are the adverts in woman and home the type of items you’d buy? 8.What are your interests/hobbies? 9.Would you consider buying the magazine in the future explain why or why not?

4 ANSWERS TO OUR QUESTIONS 1.16-22 2.3 males 7 females 3.10 students 4 people with part time jobs 4.Cheap, good information, nice colour scheme and not too bulky 5.Don’t like it, wrong age group, fashion and makeup(males) 6.Four, four, two – football magazine, vogue, cosmopolitan, Q magazine 7.6 no’s, 1 yes, 3 maybe 8.Football, sports, music, photography, films, books, food, sleeping, shopping, blogging 9.9 no’s, 1 maybe reasons; they feel they are not the target audience or they don’t find the magazine interesting


6 NRS RESEARCH Men read 23,000 printed versions of Woman and Home and 185,000 copies on PC Women read 684,000 printed versions and 217,000 on PC Adults 15-34 read 63,000 printed copies and 47,000 PC Adults 35+ read 645,000 printed magazines and 355,000 PC versions ABC1 read 505,000 printed copies and 261,000 PC C2DE read 202,000 prints and 141,000 PC

7 CONCLUSION OF OUR NRS RESEARCH We concluded that more women read ‘woman and home’ magazine than men More adults 35+ read ‘woman and home’ than 15- 34 year olds. Those of a higher income (ABC1) read ‘woman and home’ more than those of a lower income. Also more men read ‘woman and home’ online than printed copies

8 TEXTUAL ANALYSIS ‘Woman and Home’ magazines target audience is mainly women with the ABC1 socio- economic status These women are mainly aged 35+ this is apparent by the image on the front cover as it shows an older women in quiet elegant clothing. Also the sell lines such as ' the new skin boosters no Botox required' suggest it appeals to a more mature audience The adverts based in ‘Woman and Home’ magazine are quiet expensive products meaning that would appeal to a wealthyier audience.

9 CONCLUSION 35+ women are the main target audience Men are more likely to read the online version ABC1 women read more copies than C2DE women The adverts are aimed for wealthy women

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