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CEE 426 October :05 PM UW Madison Room 1209 Engineering Hall

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Presentation on theme: "CEE 426 October :05 PM UW Madison Room 1209 Engineering Hall"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEE 426 October 25 2010 12:05 PM UW Madison Room 1209 Engineering Hall
Aeration and Energy Thomas E. Jenkins, P.E.

2 Aeration and Energy “An engineer is someone who can do for $5,000 what any damn fool can do for $50,000. Anonymous

3 Aeration and Energy Calculating Air Rates Types of Aerators and Processes Basin Geometry Blower and Pump Selection

4 Aeration and Energy Aeration is the Most Significant Use

5 Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (OTE %)
Calculating Air Rates BOD Nitrification NH3  NO3 Denitrification Mixing Limitations Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (OTE %) Oxygen Transfer Rate (OTR lbO2/hp-hr) α and β Diurnal Variations and Equalization Basin Depth

6 Types of Processes BOD Removal Oxygen Required for metabolism Amount of O2 is proportional to Organic Load Utilization Approximately 1.1 lb. O2/lb BOD5

7 Types of Processes Nitrification NH3  NO3 Oxygen Required to convert Ammonia to Nitrate Amount of O2 is proportional to Ammonia Concentration Utilization 4.6 lb. O2/lb NH3 Converted Hydraulic Residence Time and SRT (Solids Retention Time) Determine if Nitrification Will Occur

8 Denitrification NO3  N2 and O2 Anoxic Reaction Carbon Source Required
Types of Processes Denitrification NO3  N2 and O2 Anoxic Reaction Carbon Source Required Approximately 25% of O2 Used for Nitrification Can be Recovered Only if raw wastewater is used as carbon source If methanol or other carbon source is provided then no oxygen recovery

9 Calculating Air Rates and O2 Transfer
Basic Calculations Rectangular Round

10 Calculating Air Rates and O2 Transfer
Basic Calculations For BOD or NH3 or NO3

11 Calculating Air Rates and O2 Transfer
Basic Calculations

12 Types of Aerators Mechanical Fine Pore Coarse Bubble Jet Aeration

13 Mechanical Aerators Horizontal Mechanical Aerator (Brush Aerator)

14 Mechanical Aerators Vertical Shaft and Aspirating Mechanical Aerator

15 Calculating O2 Transfer
Typical aerator SOTR 2.0 to 4.5 lbO2/hp-hr

16 Calculating Air Rates and O2 Transfer
Mechanical Aerators

17 Calculating Air Rates and O2 Transfer
Mechanical Aerators Mixing Limits: 1 ft/sec velocity 0.5 hp/1,000 ft3

18 Mechanical Aerator Energy
Proportional to Immersion Reduced Immersion < OTR and < hp Variable Weir Level Control Proportional to Speed Lower Speed < OTR and < hp Variable Frequency Drives, Two Speed Motors Proportional to Actual DO Concentration Lower is Better DO Control Significant

19 Diffused Aeration Coarse Bubble

20 Diffused Aeration Fine Pore (Fine Bubble)

21 Calculating OTE and O2 Transfer

22 Calculating Air Flow Rates

23 Calculating Air Flow Rates

24 Diffused Aeration Energy
Proportional to Submergence Deeper is Better Also Requires Higher Blower Power Proportional to Air Flow per Diffuser Flux Rate (1 to 10 SCFM/ft2 Typical) Lower is better Proportional to Actual DO Concentration Lower is Better DO Control is Significant

25 Calculating Air Rates and OTE
Typical OTEf ≈ 50% SOTE SOTE Fine Pore ≈ 2% per foot submergence SOTE Coarse Bubble ≈ ¾ % per foot submergence Mixing Limits: Fine Pore: 0.12 to 0.08 CFM/sq ft Coarse Bubble: 20 CFM/1,000 cu ft

26 1m3/hr = 0.58 CFM 5m3/hr = 2.94 CFM 9m3/hr = 5.30 CFM
Diffused Aeration OTE Increases with Higher Submergence OTE Decreases with Higher Air Flow per Diffuser 7.6m = 25’ m = 20’ m = 15’ m = 9.8’ m = 5’ 1m3/hr = 0.58 CFM 5m3/hr = 2.94 CFM 9m3/hr = 5.30 CFM

27 Excess DO means significantly more aeration power.
Diffused Aeration Excess DO means significantly more aeration power.

28 Diffused Aeration

29 Aeration and Energy Process Mechanism for DO Control

30 Types of Processes Miscellaneous Aeration Processes Aerobic Digestion Sludge Holding Post-Aeration Channel Aeration and Equalization

31 Basin Geometry Variations
Complete Mix Plug Flow Most Common Tapered Aeration can Minimize Energy Can be Achieved with Baffles SBRs (Sequencing Biological Reactors) MBRs (Membrane Bioreactors) IFAS (Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge) Lagoons Usually Shallow

32 Basin Geometry Variations

33 Basin Geometry Variations
IFAS (Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge)

34 Aeration and Energy Energy use varies with time of day OTE, α, Organic Load, Hydraulic Load, All Vary with Time of Day

35 Aeration and Energy Equalization Can Minimize Power

36 Blower Selection Considerations
Efficiency Control Turndown Design Parameters

37 Aeration and Energy Efficiency Varies with Blower Type Range is 60% to 80%

38 Aeration Blower Power Blower Power is a Function of Pressure and Flow Rate Efficiency Varies Flow Rate for a Given Blower Efficiency Drops as Flow is Decreased Good Turndown (>50%) is Desirable

39 Aeration Blower Power

40 Aeration Blower Power Ignoring Relative Humidity

41 Aeration Blower Power

42 Blower System Qmax:Qmin = 8:1 Specify Blower System for Turndown
Aeration Blower Power Blower System Qmax:Qmin = 8:1 Specify Blower System for Turndown Four with Design Flow at 33% Max Q Two with Design Flow at 50% Max Q Plus Two with Design Flow at 25% Max Q 50% Turndown Each Blower

43 Aeration Blower Power Control Method Significantly Impacts Energy

44 Aeration Blower Power Control Method Significantly Impacts Energy

45 Aeration Blower Power Design Specifications Identify Worst Case Operating Conditions For Discharge Pressure Max Temperature Max Relative Humidity Max System Flow Rate and ΔP For Motor Power For Throttled Centrifugal bhp at Min Temperature For Variable Speed Centrifutal bhp at Max Temperature Evaluation Conditions do not Equal Design Conditions

46 Pump Selection Considerations
RAS, WAS, Recycle Efficiency Control Design Parameters

47 Pump Selection Considerations
For Aeration most Pumps Low Static Head

48 Pump Selection Considerations
Try to Operate at BEP (Best Efficiency Point) Efficiency Varies, Typical 75% to 85%

49 Pump Power

50 Pump Design Parameters
Max Q, Min Q TDH = Total Dynamic Head Inlet Losses and Lift Discharge Static Head Discharge Friction Losses Suction Head (Prevent Cavitation) Motor hp Control Influences Power VFD more Efficient than Throttling

51 Aeration and Energy Process Requirements Come First! Systems should be justified by payback

52 Aeration and Energy Over Life of Equipment Energy Cost is more Significant than Equipment, Installation, or Maintenance

53 Internet References

54 Aeration and Energy Questions?

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