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Published byBlanche Rodgers Modified over 9 years ago
From Panama to Bonn Stakeholder Day- IPBES-1 Jan 20 th 2013 UNEP DEPI
Establishment and intersessional work agreed at the plenary meeting on IPBES (Panama) UNEP/IPBES.MI/2/9
What will IPBES do? Four main functions: Catalyse knowledge generation Assessments Policy support Capacity building Overseen and supported by: Plenary Bureau Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) Scientific community and other knowledge holders
Under which principles will IPBES operate? Collaboration – avoiding duplication Scientific independence, credibility, relevance and legitimacy Policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive Contribution of indigenous and local knowledge Full participation of developing countries Gender equity Bottom-up Inter- and multidisciplinary approach Address terrestrial, marine and inland water biodiversity and ecosystem services and their interactions
Structure of IPBES Plenary - decision making body of the platform. Open to UN States Members as Members, and to Observers. 103 Members to date Bureau – overseeing administrative functions. Comprised of Chair, 4 vice-chairs and 5 additional members Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) – overseeing scientific and technical functions. Interim composition of 5 members from each UN region, plus Chairs of MEA scientific subsidiary bodies and IPCC as observers.
Who are the IPBES Stakeholders? IPBES relevant to a wide range of stakeholders, including: Governments (including through biodiversity and ecosystem services related Conventions, UN bodies, and IGOs) International scientific community NGOs Private sector Indigenous people, farmer’s associations, etc. Potential donors; General public and media.
Intersession process Resolving procedures : Rules of procedure Other procedures Preparation for the Platform’s initial work programme: Capacity building needs Scoping process Catalogue and review of assessments Conceptual framework MEP structure
Procedures supporting the platform operations Rules of procedure for the plenary: Suggestions on interim and remaining rules incorporated into draft updated Rules of Procedure - IPBES/1/3 Other procedures: Policy and Procedures on observers – IPBES/1/4 IPBES financial procedures – IPBES/1/6 Procedure for preparation, review, acceptance, approval and publication of assessment reports and other deliverables – INF/3 Conflict of interest policy – INF/4
Preparations for an initial work programme To facilitate discussions on the initial work programme of IPBES, a series of intersessional elements were agreed in Panama: Catalogue and overview of assessments Conceptual framework Capacity building needs, activities and partnerships Process for considering requests Scoping process to take forwards requests
Assessments and conceptual framework Catalogue of assessments: including relevant thematic and comprehensive assessments at the national, regional, subregional and global levels. Online. Review of the assessments: critical review of scope, capacity building activities, integration of knowledge systems, policy impact, use of scenarios (INF/8) Conceptual framework: Background document available online for review (INF/9).
Processes for considering requests, and scoping Receiving and prioritising requests: Draft process for consideration, based on submitted views on the process for receiving and prioritising requests by the plenary (IPBES/1/5) Scoping process: Draft process for consideration based on submitted views on the process and outputs for scoping potential assessments and other Platform activities once they had been prioritized by the plenary – available online for review and as INF/6
Other work programme related docs for IPBES-1 Recognizing indigenous and local knowledge: Considerations for the future work programme. INF/5 MEP structure and composition: Considerations on the structure of the MEP, taking into account biodgeograhpical considerations. Online review INF/7 Capacity building needs: Submissions on capacity- building needs and needs identified in national reports to the conventions. INF/10 Possible scenario of a work programme: Compilation of updated previous material. INF/14
IPBES-1 provisional agenda 21-26 th January 2013, Bonn 1.Organizational matters (incl. election of Bureau). 2.Rules and procedures: (a) RoP for the Plenary; (b) Policy and procedures for admission of observers. 3.Initial work programme of the Platform: Next steps; Procedure for receiving and prioritizing requests; Role of MEP; Possible institutional arrangements. 4.Nomination and selection of MEP. 5.Joint UN proposal for the Secretariat; 6.Link between the Platform and the UN. 7.Financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform.
Bureau and MEP nominations Agenda items 2b, and 6. IPBES/1/8+9 Nominations for Bureau (2 members per UN region): Africa: 6 Asia-Pacific: 4 E Europe: 1 LAC: 4 WEOG: 2 Nominations for interim MEP (5 members per UN region) Africa:18 Asia-Pacific:20 E Europe: 3 LAC:12 WEOG:32 Guidance document available – INF/11. Regional consultations (on 20 th January)
Draft policy and procedures for meetings of the plenary (IPBES/1/3) 1.Rules and procedures: (a) RoP for the Plenary; Updated on the basis of comments received during the intersessional process Contains: Definition of members and observers Rules governing the Secretariat and IPBES’s bodies Convening and conduct of business of IPBES meetings Etc.
Draft policy and procedures for the admission of observers (IPBES/1/4) 1.Rules and procedures: (b) Policy and procedures for admission of observers. Updated on the basis of comments received during the intersessional process Contains: Definition of observers Rules for admission and participation of observers in the plenary meetings
Initial work programme – agenda item 5. IPBES/1/5 1.Outcome of intersessional process on the work programme. 2.Potential role of the MEP in overseeing the next steps: (a) conceptual framework (b) scoping process (c)other processes (selection of authors, indigenous knowledge, peer review etc) (d) MEP regions (e) Draft work programme 3.Possible institutional arrangements. (a) working groups/other structures (b) secretariat and/or regional hubs 4.Possible intersessional process towards IPBES-2.
Initial work programme – requests from MEAs 1.CBD XI/2 (Oct 2012) Invites IPBES to “develop a work programme that includes the preparation of the next global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, to be launched in 2018, focussing on status and trends, the impact of biodiversity and ecosystem services on human well-being, and the effectiveness of responses, including the Strategic Plan and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets”. 2.CBD XI/13 (Oct 2012) Invites IPBES to consider how its work plan will contribute to achievement of the Strategic Plan and Requests IPBES to build on and contribute to GBO4; contribute to assessments of Aichi Targets; and Provide information on policy options available to deliver the 2050 Vision of the Strategic Plan.
Initial work programme – requests from MEAs 3.Ramsar Res XI.6 (July 2012) “Invites IPBES to address science-policy linkages relating to conservation and wise use of wetlands and, when establishing and implementing its modalities and work programme, to take into account the needs of the Ramsar Convention and its Contracting Parties by integrating scientific, technical and technological information relevant to the Convention.” 4.CMS Res 10.8 (November 2011) “Invites IPBES to address science-policy linkages and the need for assessments, policy support, capacity building and knowledge generation relating to the conservation and sustainable use of migratory species of wild animals.”
Initial work programme – requests from MEAs CITES Standing Committee 62 (July 2012) Established a working group on IPBES to prepare a draft resolution/decision for the SC Chair to submit at CoP16 (March 2013) to: – Address the contribution that Parties and Convention bodies could make to reinforcing linkages between CITES and IPBES; – Propose ways in which CITES may make requests to IPBES to prepare reports and for deciding the priorities of CITES in this regard; – Review the agreed IPBES work programme following the IPBES plenary and make proposals to CoP16 for CITES engagement.
Institutional arrangements Agenda item 7 a) and b) 1.Joint UN proposal for administering the secretariat. (a) Updated from Panama (b) Proposes UNEP’s rules apply to secretariat (c) Proposes trust fund established by MPTF (d) IPBES/1/7 2.Link between the Platform and the UN system. (a) Agreed in Panama to be considered at IPBES-1 (b)IPBES/1/11 presents overview of issues and points to previously available guidance (c) Note UNGA Draft resolution A/C.2/67/L.58 welcoming establishment of IPBES (para 21).
Financial and budgetary arrangements 1.Financial procedures. (a) Rules to govern financial administration of IPBES (b) IPBES/1/6 2.Initial budget of the platform. (a) Budget for administration and work programme (b) Two year (2013-14) indicative budget – approx $4m/yr (c) Ongoing budget estimated at $8-12m/year (d) IPBES/1/10 (e) Pledges for support anticipated (to date $2.6m/yr)
20132014 Structure and administration Meetings of the Plenary2 000 0001 000 000 Meetings of the Bureau80 000160 000 Meetings of the MEP230 000460 000 Secretariat857 0001 714 000 Publications and outreach360 000 Miscellaneous expenses155 000 Contingency201 000385 000 Subtotal3 883 0004 234 000 Intersessional activities350 000– Total4 233 0004 234 000 Indicative 2013-14 budget - structure and administration
Expectations for IPBES-1 -agreement on the remaining rules of procedures for the platform -elect Bureau and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel members - agree on the next steps by which the IPBES work programme can become operational as soon as possible. IPBES-2 possibly in early December 2013 – to agree on IPBES work programme that would initiate in 2014.
Speaking during IPBES-1 IPBES 1 is a meeting of Members of the Platform with observers: Members of the platform – only Member States with credentials are allowed to vote Observers = other governments and accredited organisations (right to speak during the meeting when authorized by the Chair) Non-accredited organizations do not have the right to speak
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