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Fundamental Principles & International Humanitarian Law

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Principles & International Humanitarian Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental Principles & International Humanitarian Law
Guo Yang, Senior Political Advisor, ICRC Beijing 22 October 2015, Beijing China

2 Outlines Origines of Fundamental Principles Connotations of FPs;
FPs and IHL; Safer Access Framework; FPs and SAF; Conclusion: FPs and effective humanitarian actions

3 FPs: Origins 1859: Solferino battlefield – neutral & impartial assitance; 1875: 4 basic working principles – foresight, solidarity, centralization, mutality; 1921: ICRC Statute: -impartiality, independence, universality, equality; 1946: Federation – Declaration; 1965 – 20th Intl’RC Conference;

4 FPs: Connotations Humamnity; Impartiality; Neutrality; Independence;
Voluntary service; Unity; Universality;

5 FPs & IHL Reference: Art. 44, GCI & Art.81, API;
Designation: Art.9,10 of GC I,II,III & IV; Comm.Art.3 to GCs. Requirements: CIHL rules: 55 & 56

6 Attention to operational relevance of FPs
Lack of in-depth knowledge and training; Inconsistent application; External challenges;

7 SAFER ACCESS Increasing acceptance, security and access to people and communities in need PRACTICAL RESOURCE PACK

8 Eelements of Safter Acess Framwork

9 “How to use the Fundamental Principles is to live them”

10 Effective humanitarian aid
Perception Action Programmes Acceptante Authorities, arms carriers, beneficiaries Access Reaching beneficiaries

11 Thank you!

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