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© Infotripla Ltd 2005 Traffic monitoring with FCD- and traffic signal data in Tampere region VIKING Workshop Best practices on monitoring deployment 5.

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Presentation on theme: "© Infotripla Ltd 2005 Traffic monitoring with FCD- and traffic signal data in Tampere region VIKING Workshop Best practices on monitoring deployment 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Traffic monitoring with FCD- and traffic signal data in Tampere region VIKING Workshop Best practices on monitoring deployment 5 - 6 October 2005 Copenhagen, Denmark Mr Juha Laakso Infotripla Ltd

2 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Presentation Introduction of Infotripla and City of Tampere Background and objectives of the development projects Traffic in Tampere service The next development steps Best practices Contact information

3 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Infotripla Ltd Provides complete IT services for transport, logistics, tourism and marketing business areas Products for intelligent systems for delivering transport and tourism related information to mobile and web users Infotripla’s solution used in this context: infoT – service platform for flexible development of personalised multi-channel services - From Information to Added Value -

4 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 City of Tampere 200 000 inhabitants in Tampere (450 000 in greater area) An Early Adopter of ITS in Finland Traffic in a nutshell… ”Despite being only medium-size city, Tampere has remarkable traffic problems caused by its location in narrow neck of land between two big lakes…”

5 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Background Limited possibilities for traffic caused by the location and estimated growth in traffic volumes (about 30 % between years 2002 and 2020) No existing street traffic information system in Tampere need to provide information -> collecting methods are costly -> new methods are welcome A possible solution is… finding appropriate cost effective methods for the traffic data collection as an alternative to the costly investments on fixed roadside devices. intelligent way to serve travellers by help of personalised traffic information

6 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Objectives to create a cost-effective method to utilise existing devices to collect traffic data to produce comprehensive traffic flow information on the city network to deliver personalised traffic information to the travellers to integrate various data sources ASAP

7 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 The development projects ” Profiled multi-channel traffic information based on traffic signal detection (LIVAINFO)” Autumn 2004 - Summer 2005 Created the Traffic in Tampere service Both part of R&D programme on real-time transport information (AINO) by Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication ” FCD in providing real time traffic information (FCD-INFO)” Spring 2005 - Spring 2006 Expanding the data gathering of the Traffic in Tampere service

8 © Infotripla Ltd 2005

9 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 System overview

10 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases ´Registration´, ´Log in´ and ´Update user information´ Daily users give their very own preferences concerning the service, e.g. the most likely corridors to be usedDaily users give their very own preferences concerning the service, e.g. the most likely corridors to be used Users can update their personal information Users log in to the service by their user data

11 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases Registration

12 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases ´Read news & notices´ and ´Query traffic information´ Users can read the latest news and operational notices (personalised by profile) published by city authoritiesUsers can read the latest news and operational notices (personalised by profile) published by city authorities Users can query the traffic information on certain streets – information of user own streets is served firstUsers can query the traffic information on certain streets – information of user own streets is served first (also non-personal information available by net browser) Any problems detected are shown on map and as text

13 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases Traffic conditions detected: Normal traffic Weakened traffic conditions: The capacity of the street has decreased due to high traffic flow or some incident. Moving is getting more difficult. Congested traffic: Vehicles are blocked and moving is slow. Traffic lights not operating: The traffic signal device on the intersection is either blinking yellow light or not operating at all. compliting data to come …

14 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases

15 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases ´Feedback´ User can send feedback through the system

16 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Use cases ´Publish news and notices´ & `Analyze user data ´ Service Provider can publish news and notices Service Provider can analyze user data e.g. for planning purposes

17 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Next steps New features specified in FCD-INFO project: FCD from 400 taxies Real time traffic and speed data from existing automatic measuring units of National Road Administration Incident information automatically to officials and to the Traffic Management Center Implementation to start in autumn 2005, piloting in spring 2006 Tools for the transport authorities to analyze the traffic data. Integration of some multimodal features in near future (e.g. public transport and parking information) ?

18 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 FCD-INFO architectural issues

19 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Best practices (1) Innovative use of existing technology is a cost-efficient way to delay or even replace major investments on completely new technology, make also the traffic information services commonly accessible now, give support to transport planning, get maximum benefits out of the investments made

20 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Best practices (2) Today EC-Trak and Omnivue widely used e.g. in Nordic countries, commercial fleets use systems enabling FCD (e.g. taxi companies), fixed measuring units collect real-time traffic data, The Finnish National Architecture for Transport Telematics (TelemArk) determines e.g. public interfaces, innovative solution provider recognises potential value added for various user groups Various data sources + accessible interfaces + innovation = smart cost-effective services for the end-users and business users

21 © Infotripla Ltd 2005 Thank You! More Information: Mr. Juha Laakso Infotripla Ltd

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