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Nutrition Bronwyn McVey Computers 8 2009 09-10 Carbohydrates Major and fastest source of energy Give body and brain energy 2 major types: simple and.

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2 Nutrition Bronwyn McVey Computers 8 2009 09-10

3 Carbohydrates Major and fastest source of energy Give body and brain energy 2 major types: simple and complex -Simple: white sugar, fruit, milk -Complex: bread, crackers, rice, etc. Simple-sugars Complex-starches Body breaks it down into sugar glucose

4 Fats Fuels body Help absorb some vitamins Protects and insolates body 3 types…. –Saturated: animal products: meat, cheese etc. –Unsaturated: plants and fish: fruit, veggies etc –Trans: margarine: baked goods, snacks etc. 30% of 2 000 calories come from fats

5 Fiber Helps prevent constipation Helps clean out intestines Sources…artichokes, fruit, wheat, etc. 2 types… –Soluble: dissolves in water, lowers cholesterol –Insoluble: doesn’t dissolve in water Found in plants we eat Men need more than women

6 Protein Maintains and replaces tissues in body Sources…beef, fish, eggs, dairy, etc. 2 types… –Complete: animal products –Incomplete: vegetables Kids need about 0.5g of protein per pound they weigh every day Muscles, organs, and immune system is mainly protein

7 Vitamins Help body function 2 types… –Fat-Soluble: dissolved in fat, stored in body –Water-Soluble: dissolve in water before eating Vitamin A- prevents eye problems Vitamin B- gives you protein and energy Vitamin C- helps gums, muscles and to heal Vitamin D- bones and teeth Vitamin E- maintains body tissue Vitamin K-stops bleeding when cut Vitamins that don’t go through body are lost

8 Minerals Help body grow, develop and stay healthy 3 types… –Trace: small amounts in body –Macro: more than 5gs in body –Electrolyte: regulate blood pressure heat beat, more Sources: bananas, red meat, seeds, etc. Main source: Calcium-strong bones Types: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride

9 Water Flushes toxins from body Maintains body temperature Within your body… –85% of brain –80% of blood –10-15% of bones –70% of muscle –70-75% of body weight As you grow older, your percent decreases Get from food as well as drink (fruit, etc.)

10 Bibliography

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