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The Worst Blizzard! By Rubiela Villanueva.

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Presentation on theme: "The Worst Blizzard! By Rubiela Villanueva."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Worst Blizzard! By Rubiela Villanueva

2 What is a blizzard? A blizzard is a long lasting snowstorm with very strong wind.

3 Where will you find this type of weather?
Midwestern United States Central Canada

4 What damage can this weather do?
Make roofs collapse Make farmers lose their crops Make people freeze to death

5 Here is how you stay safe when a blizzard hits.
Make sure all windows and doors are closed tightly Stock up before a blizzard Stay inside

6 Three interesting facts about blizzards
When a cold mass and a warm mass meet it forms a blizzard. Severe blizzards can make it impossible to see in front. During a blizzard it may be hard to travel.

7 Sources Otfinoski, Steven. Blizzards. Ontario, Canada: Twenty –First Century Books, 1994.

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