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May 2 nd 2012 Advisor: John P. Castagna.  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results:

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Presentation on theme: "May 2 nd 2012 Advisor: John P. Castagna.  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results:"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2 nd 2012 Advisor: John P. Castagna

2  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results: MPD versus FMPD  Conclusion 2

3  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results: MPD versus FMPD  Conclusion 3

4 1.Localized information is valuable 2.Fourier Transform: information of stationary signals 3.Seismic Signals: NON-STATIONARY  Stationary Signal: constant statistical parameters over time  Short Time Fourier Transform(STFT): Primary solution 4

5 1.Break into segments 2.Applied FT on each segment 3.Lay out the spectrum along time 4.Display all the spectra  Assumption: truncated signals are stationary  Con: window determine combined resolution 5

6 1.Cross correlation 2.Display the coefficients  Continuous WT: sliding wavelet  Discrete WT: segments (correlate the segments with wavelet at the same time)  How much does the trace resemble the adjusted mother wavelet 6

7 1.Cross correlation 2.Subtract best matched wavelet 3.Iteration 4.FT on matched wavelet and project along time 5.Display  Matching Pursuit: a combination of WT & STFT  Easy reconstruction 7

8  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results: MPD versus FMPD  Conclusion 8

9 1.Regression: stability problem 2.Subtract the matched wavelet with a portion of the coefficient  FMPD: much more laterally stable  Mitigate the interference effect 9

10  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results: MPD versus FMPD  Conclusion 10

11 Input seismic trace Wavelet Dictionary Wavelet=Ricker(f) Best Matched Wavelet Residual Reconstructed trace Residual Trace correlation subtraction energy>threshold energy<threshold summation 11

12  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results: MPD versus FMPD  Conclusion 12

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16 Ricker Criterion Rayleigh Criterion 16

17 Ricker Criterion Rayleigh Criterion 17

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21 21 section 50Hz inline 30 FMPD section 50Hz inline 30 MPD

22 22 timeslice 34 50Hz MPD

23 23 timeslice 34 50Hz FMPD

24  Background---STFT, CWT and MPD  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition  Computational Simulation  Results: MPD versus FMPD  Conclusion 24

25  Matching Pursuit Decomposition is laterally unstable  Fractional Matching Pursuit Decomposition solves the problem 25

26 26 Questions? Comments? 60Hz Ricker

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32 1.Alternative time frequency analysis method 2.New representation provides new perspective new attributes 3.Convolution model base 4.Extracted wavelet---Ricker like 5.Application: Gas Brine differentiation; channel detection 6.Simple representation---more to discover 32

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