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Lungs Features- Apex Base Three borders-ant, post & infer Two surfaces- costal & medial Medial surface – verterbral & mediastinal part.

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1 Lungs Features- Apex Base Three borders-ant, post & infer Two surfaces- costal & medial Medial surface – verterbral & mediastinal part

2 Lungs


4 Structures related to mediastinal surface of rt lung Rt atrium & auricle Small part of rt ventricle Superior venacava Lower part of the rt brachiocephalic vein Azygos vein Oesophagus Inferior venacava Trachea Rt vagus n Rt phrenic n

5 Lungs Structures related to mediastinal surface of lt lung Lt ventricle, lt auricle,infundibulum & adjoining part of rt ventricle Plumonary trunk Arch of aorta Descending thoracic aorta Lt subclavian a Thoracic duct Oesophagus Lt brachiocephalic vein Lt vagus n Lt phrenic n Lt recurrent laryngeal n

6 Lungs Fissure and lobes of the lungs Rt lung- 2 fissures are oblique & horizontal 3 lobes- upper, middle & inferior

7 Lungs Lt lung- 1 fissure is oblique 2 lobes & lingula

8 Lungs Root of the lung- Short broad pedicle which connects the medial surface of the lung to mediastinum Contents- Principal bronchus on lt side & eparterial and hyparterial bronchi rt side 1 pulmonary artery 2 pulmonary veins Bronchial arteries, 1 on rt side & 2 on lt side Bronchial veins Ant & post pulmonary plexuses of nerves Lymphatics of the lung Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes Areorlar tissues

9 Lungs Arrangement of structures in root From before backward Superior pulmonary vein Pulmonary artery bronchus

10 Lungs From above downwards Rt side Eparterial bronchus Pulmonary artery Hyparterial bronchus Inferior pulmonary vein Lt side Pulmonary artery Bronchus Inferior pulmonary vein

11 Lungs Relations of the root Anterior Common to two sides- Phrenic n Pericardiophernic vessels Anterior pulmonary plexus On rt side Superior venacava A part of the rt atrium Posterior Common to two sides Vagus n Post pulmonary plexus On lt side Descending thoracic aorta Superior On rt side Terminal part of azygos vein On lt side Arch of aorta Inferior Pulmonary ligament

12 Lungs Arterial supply- On rt side: 1 bronchial artery – 3 rd posterior intercostal artery or from upper lt bronchial artery On lt side: 2 bronchial arteries- descending thoracic aorta Venous drainage- Bronchial veins Rt bronchial vein drain into azygos vein Lt bronchial vein drain into either superior intercostal vein or into the hemiazygos vein Pulmonary veins

13 Lungs Lymphatic drainage Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes Superficial vessels- peripheral lung tissue lying beneath the pulmonary pleura Deep vessels- bronchial tree, pulmonary vessels and connective tissue septa Nerve supply- Parasympathetic: vagus, motor to bronchial muscles, secretomotor to the mucuos glands of the bronchial tree & sensory Sympathetic: 2 nd to 5 th spinal segments, inhibitory to the smooth muscle and glands of the bronchial tree Both of these nerves form ant and post pulmonary plexuses

14 Lungs Bronchial tree Bronchopulmonary segments

15 Lungs




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