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The History of Modern Zionism through Numismatics By Simcha Kuritzky ANA World’s Fair of Money, July 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Modern Zionism through Numismatics By Simcha Kuritzky ANA World’s Fair of Money, July 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Modern Zionism through Numismatics By Simcha Kuritzky ANA World’s Fair of Money, July 2008

2 Zion-ism

3 Jerusalem c. 1000 BCE – 930 BCE Kings David and Solomon

4 By the Rivers of Babylon… 587 BCE First Temple Destroyed

5 Zion Restored… c. 536-515 BCE Persians permit rebuilding of Temple

6 …and Lost Again 70 CE Romans destroy Second Temple and Jewish Autonomy Illustration ©1978 Abba Eban and David Bamberger

7 Medieval Jewry

8 The Modern Era 1781-2 Austrian Emancipation Proclamations

9 Napoleon Bonaparte in Eretz Israel

10 Napoleon Bonaparte in France

11 Revolutions

12 Early Settlement



15 Other Refuges

16 Anti-Semitism

17 Modern Political Zionism

18 Herzl and Der Kaiser

19 Jewish Colonial Trust

20 Jewish National Fund קק׳ל

21 Land of Israel

22 The Great War

23 October 1917

24 Britain & France Divide Up the Middle East Illustration ©1992 Hachette Litterature

25 The Great War November 2, 1917

26 Support for an Arab Homeland ZO leader Weizmann meets with Emir (later King) Faisal

27 1920 San Remo Conference Illustration ©1992 Hachette Litterature

28 1920 San Remo Conference

29 1919 Hagana (Defense)

30 1925 Revisionists

31 Rise of Anti-Semitism

32 1927 Palestine Currency Board

33 1929 Jewish Agency Originally 1 franc, 1 mark, 1 kroner, 2 shillings, half a dollar, or 40 kopeks

34 Publicity

35 1934 An Alternative Zion Illustration ©1992 Hachette Litterature

36 1934 Transfer Agreement

37 1936-39 Arab Revolt

38 1941-45 Genocide

39 Displaced Persons Camps

40 November, 1947 U.N. votes to create Jewish state

41 May, 1948 Israel born

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