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Green roofs - future of urban life Jure Šumi

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1 Green roofs - future of urban life Jure Šumi

2 Green Roofs Green roofs as old as „Hanging Gardens of Babylon“
In modern times, Germany was the first to start with green roofs about 50 years ago.

3 Types of green roofs

4 Why green roofs

5 Main positive effects of green roofs
Energy Efficiency – green roofs reduce the energy consumption: Up to 25% for heating* Up to 75% for cooling* Collective positive effect in „Central Europe-alike“ climate zones averages 7kWh per sqm/year (considering already pre-insulated roofs) Lower Urban Heat Island Effect The infra–red image shows that on a typical day, the Chicago City Hall green roof measures almost 80°F (40°C) cooler than the neighbouring conventional roof Temperature differences between a Green and Conventional Roof ** * National Research Council of Canada ** national center of excellence/ASU

6 Main positive effects of green roofs
Significant impact on CO2 emissions 1 sqm of lawn can absorb 5 kg of CO2/year Reduction of energy use also has its impact on carbon dioxide reduction (3,2kg CO2/sqm per year)* To give a perspective – 1 sqm of green roof can absorb as much of CO2 as one car produces when driving from Zagreb to Varaždin (cca 80 km). Cut back on the amount of dust and other pollutants in the air 1 sqm of green roof remove 0.2 kg of airborne particulate from the air every year**. Better storm water management In some countries (Germany. USA,..) owners of buildings can reduce their municipality taxes related to storm water management up to 50% simply buy setting up green roofs . Increased Roofing Membrane Durability Double life time of roof surfaces Increased Biodiversity Positive impact on people * National Research Council of Canada ** national center of excellence/ASU

7 Traditional extensive green roof systems
Standard basic components / layers: Vegetation Growing media Filter membrane Drainage Root barrier Waterproofing

8 Main pitfalls of traditional systems
Variable water absorption capacity many substrates have low water absorption rate when totally dried out Heavy soil substrates have density 900– 1200 kg/m3 suitable thickness to provide enough water storage is between cm Labour intensive to work on sqm green roof means moving cca. 100 tons of soil substrate on the roof to make a proper ground for vegetation Costly it takes time and extensive man and machine power to make it done

9 What to change? It is all about substrate and its quality & performance! Good substrate: is light weighted has high constant high water absorption rate provides long-term water retention stability offers good thermal insulation property and is easy to install. Needled rock mineral wool fibres combined with superabsorbent polymers

10 Advantages of Urbanscape extensive green roof system
High and constant water absorption rate with long-term water retention stability Suitable thickness to provide enough water storage is between 2 and 4 cm Lightness Urbanscape substrate density is 110 kg/m3 which allows to build green roofs also on buildings where existing systems cannot be successfully implemented. Low labour intensity to work on sqm green roof means moving between tons of Urbanscape substrate on the roof Low cost installation due to easy set-up process up to 30% lower cost for installation

11 The new world of new applications to tackle

12 Urbanscape roof vegetable gardens

13 Landscaping applications
Slope greening Agriculture in dry areas Gardens, Parks, Graveyards

14 Simple system

15 Urbanscape in-house gardens

16 Q & A

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