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Out Of Title Work Contractual Remedy v. Civil Service Remedy ARTICLE 22 - OUT OF TITLE WORK In the event a permanent employee is temporarily assigned by.

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Presentation on theme: "Out Of Title Work Contractual Remedy v. Civil Service Remedy ARTICLE 22 - OUT OF TITLE WORK In the event a permanent employee is temporarily assigned by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Out Of Title Work Contractual Remedy v. Civil Service Remedy ARTICLE 22 - OUT OF TITLE WORK In the event a permanent employee is temporarily assigned by the Department Head to perform duties which are not set forth in the employee's job description and which are duties set forth in a higher title and the employee performs those duties during fifty (50.0%) percent of his/her working time, over a period in excess of one (1) month, the employee shall be forthwith provisionally appointed by the Employer to the said higher title and shall be paid accordingly, pending the results of a promotional examination issued by the New Jersey State Department of Personnel. If the employee, as a result of the promotional examination, is not eligible for permanent appointment in the said title, the employee will revert to the previous title and any increase in wages received as a result of the provisional appointment shall be terminated and the employee shall not thereafter be required to perform the duties of the said higher title. The parties agree that a permanent employee must be formally assigned in writing by the Department Head to perform duties of a higher title.

2 Out of Title Work Desk Audit -DPF44S

3 How do I know if I am permanent? The Union The Department of Personnel What title am I in? – The Union – The Department of Personnel What title should I be in? – Now it gets a little tricky …..







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