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How are Sport and the law related? What responsibilities do everyone involved is sport have? 3.5- Sport and the Law.

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Presentation on theme: "How are Sport and the law related? What responsibilities do everyone involved is sport have? 3.5- Sport and the Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 How are Sport and the law related? What responsibilities do everyone involved is sport have? 3.5- Sport and the Law

2 Relationship between sport and the law Elite sport and the law have become more closely linked in recent years. As elite sports becomes more commercialised, the stakes become higher and media coverage is increased. It is now possible for lawyers to specialise in Sport Law International and national governing bodies are fighting to hold onto their right self- regulate their sport.

3 Sports Performers Employment protection Bosman ruling gave footballers the right to move freely at the end of their contract Players within the EU have the right to work anywhere with the EU without restriction E.G. FA couldn’t limit the number of non-English players playing in the premier league Still need a work permit (Usually judged on representation) Sanctions from taking a banned substance Have the right to appeal- may lead to legal proceedings Rules against betting on matches May be able to affect the outcome Hanse Cronje and Serie A football Player violence is a contentious issue Most handled by relevant NGB Occasionally it will go beyond NGB Duncan Ferguson and El-Hadj Diouf Diane Modahl Tested positive for Testosterone in 1994 (42 times over limit) Given a 4 year ban Appealed and got ban overturned due to mishandling of sample 1995 British Athletics federation 1996 IAAF cleared her to compete internationally 2000- sued BAF for £1m in loss of earnings She lost- but defending itself almost bankrupt BAF

4 Officials Officials need to understand their role and responsibilities under the law… Open to investigation if believed to be corrupt Particularly if it is thought they may have been bribed German referee Robert Hoyzer (2005) confessed to fix matches in 2 nd and 3 rd divisions Duty of care If a player is injured and an official is found to have allowed the dangerous situation to occur then they nay be liable to prosecution 1998- Welsh rugby referee was sued for negligence for not applying non-contested scrums Organisers of events Duty of care towards both competitors and spectators to ensure they are not put at risk Predictable or avoidable events

5 Managers, agents, directors and owners Sport has become more commercialised so deals have become more complicated Players transfers, agents fees and payments to players/managers all need to be done according to commercial rules Can lead to prosecution 2008 investigation into corruption in football found a number of illegal payments Health and safety responsibilities towards fans Hillsborough disaster investigation still on-going today Hillsborough documentary

6 Spectators Spectators must act within the law… Hooliganism Pitch invasions Swearing Racist chants

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