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Recap Last Lesson… You have 5 minutes to answer the following questions – 1)Define intrinsic feedback. 2)Define extrinsic feedback. 3)What is continuous.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap Last Lesson… You have 5 minutes to answer the following questions – 1)Define intrinsic feedback. 2)Define extrinsic feedback. 3)What is continuous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap Last Lesson… You have 5 minutes to answer the following questions – 1)Define intrinsic feedback. 2)Define extrinsic feedback. 3)What is continuous feedback? 4)What is terminal feedback? 5)How can feedback effect motivation?

2 Goal Setting “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” Henry Ford

3 Task 1…. Watch the following clip…. k2Tca88Xo k2Tca88Xo Think about what Will Smith is saying to Matt Damon. Write down some words that may express how Matt Damon feels?

4 Apply what he says to this picture….

5 L.O’s To understand the benefits of goal setting. To understand the benefits of goal setting. To understand the effect goal setting has on performance. To understand the effect goal setting has on performance. To understand the S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting principle and apply it to sporting situations. To understand the S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting principle and apply it to sporting situations.

6 Goal Setting…. Task 2 Write down the goals you have set yourself. They can be related to everyday life or school based.

7 Goal Setting…. Have you ever achieved any of your goals? Do you think you can achieve your future goals? How many of your goals are sport related?

8 Benefits of goal setting…  Exercise adherence.  Focus in training.  Controlling anxiety.  Enable success.  Measure progress.  Motivating.  Encouraging.  Rewarding.

9 Task 3 Choose 1 of the following people and write down what you think their goals are Jessica Ennis Rebecca Adlington Laura Robson

10 S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting… S = Specific M = Measurable A = Achievable R = Realistic T = Time-phased E = Exciting R = Recorded

11 S pecific You goal must focus on achieving a particular aspect of performance. E.G – A basketball would learn to lay up with their weaker hand to improve their performance in a game.

12 M easurable You must be able to determine whether you have improved your skill level or achieved your goal. E.G – Scoring more lay ups in a game with your weaker hand.

13 A chievable Your goal must be attainable or your motivation will drop as you will never be able to reach the level you desire. E.G – A basketball player setting a goal to break into the starting five at his local club.

14 R ealistic Your goal must be sensible. If you aim too high it will damage your morale and could have the adverse effect on your participation. E.G – There would be no point in a recreational 25 year old basketball player from England setting a goal to play in the N.B.A.

15 T ime Phased Your goal must have a time limit applied to it otherwise you will lose focus. If you set lots of goals that are achieved quickly your confidence will go up. E.G – A basketball player setting a goal of scoring 20 points in their next game.

16 E xciting Your goals must enable you to become energized about the prospect of achieving them otherwise you run the risk of becoming bored and unmotivated. E.G – A basketball player leading his team out in the cup final.

17 R ecorded You must be able to confirm the success of your goal setting in order to move onto a new goal. E.G – A basketball player winning the cup final and getting a trophy to display at home.

18 Task 4… Now apply the S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting principle to the famous sports performer you previously set goals for.

19 Plenary… 1)What does S.M.A.R.T.E.R stand for? 2)Can you put the term S.M.A.R.T.E.R in a sporting context? 3)What are the benefits of goal setting? 4)How can goal setting effect performance?

20 Homework… Create your own S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting plan based on everyday life. Create your own S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting plan based on everyday life. Complete the online homework. Complete the online homework. Remember you are not here next week!!! I will give you longer to answer each question. I expect at least 80% on your multiple choice quiz. Failure to obtain this will result in you doing it again!

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