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Monthly Journal of Information Technology ISSUE 00 MONTH YEAR 2015/2016 Term 2 Newsletter Important Dates to Remember: Jan 15 th - Term 2 begins- CLOSED.

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly Journal of Information Technology ISSUE 00 MONTH YEAR 2015/2016 Term 2 Newsletter Important Dates to Remember: Jan 15 th - Term 2 begins- CLOSED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly Journal of Information Technology ISSUE 00 MONTH YEAR 2015/2016 Term 2 Newsletter Important Dates to Remember: Jan 15 th - Term 2 begins- CLOSED Jan 13 th -Jan 28 th -January DIP Exams (see pg: 9) Jan 28 th & 30 th -CLOSED Feb 4 th & 5 th - CLOSED—Teacher’s Convention Feb 9 th - Shrove Tuesday Feb 10 th - Ash Wednesday Feb 14 th - Valentines Day Feb 15 th & 16 th – CLOSED Family Day Feb 24 th - Last day to register for April Diploma Exams including re-writes Mar 4 th - CLOSED PD Day Mar 17 th - St. Patrick’s Day Mar 18 th - Last day to pick up modules before Spring Break to stay on track. Mar 19 th —Apr 3 rd – CLOSED for Spring Break Mar 25 th - Good Friday Mar 27 th - Easter Sunday Mar 28 th - Easter Monday Apr 6 th –Apr 14 th - April DIP Exams (see pg: 10) Apr 22 nd - CLOSED Vacation Day Apr 29 th - Last day to register for June Diploma including Re-writes May 6 th – CLOSED –PD Day May 13 th - All course material for Term 2 must be handed in. May 20 th - Last day to write Non-Diploma Exams May 21 st -May 29 th - CLOSED Term break May 21 st - Victoria Day May 30 th - Summer School Registration / Term begins June 1 st – Open house June 13 th – June 28 th – June DIP Exams (see pg: 11) Inside This Issue: Important dates: Page 1 Administrators’ Update: Page 2 Teachers’ Update: Page 3 January Calendar: Page 4 February Calendar: Page 5 March Calendar: Page 6 April Calendar: Page 7 May Calendar: Page 8 January DIP Exam Schedule: Page 9 April DIP Exam Schedule: Page 10 June DIP Exam Schedule: Page 11 Alberta Health Services Notice Page 12 Alberta Health Services Notice Page 13 STAR Catholic Information Page 14 Accountability Pillar Survey Page 15 & 16 1 Visit us at Mission Statement “We are a Christ-centered, Catholic community that fosters a hope-filled environment where all students reach high levels of growth and success”

2 Administrator’sUpdate 2 Welcome to the Second Term at STAR Catholic Outreach! We experienced a busy first term and are looking forward to serving both new and returning students in our second term. Our second term starts on January 18 th and runs until May 20th. All course work is due for the term will be due on May 13 th and all non-diploma exams will need to be completed by May 20 th. The major difference in this term between our year-round and the traditional school calendar is that we have a two week Spring break from March 19 th to April 6 th to offset some of the days we are open in July. We have a few staffing changes this term. We would like to welcome Brandy Sletten, our new secretary who joined us in October. As well, Christine McDonald will be starting her maternity leave in January. We wish Christine and her family all the best! All of her courses will continue to be offered but her departure will result in a change in hours for the Outreach. Beginning January 18 th we will now be open from 9:00-4:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and from 9:00 to 6:00 on Wednesday. The deadline to register diploma exams rewrites is February 24 th for April Diploma Exams and April 29 th for the June Diplomas. A reminder to students rewriting that the school is not able to register you for your rewrite exam, therefore, you must register yourself and pay prior to the deadline. You will also have to obtain permission from the Outreach in order to write at our school. We encourage students to continue participate in our school Mercy Project. During exam week we ask that students bring a non-perishable food item for the Leduc and District Food Bank. Whether you are looking to take new courses, upgrade or enroll in Off-campus Education (Work Experience, the Registered Apprenticeship Program or the Green Certificate Program) please drop by to see how the STAR Catholic Outreach team can help you achieve your goals. God Bless! Mike Malloy Administrator STAR Catholic Outreach STAR Catholic Outreach is pleased to support our local food bank Did you know a family of 4 requires approximately $218.75 worth of non- perishable food items and approximately $150 in perishable items like fruits/vegetables, dairy and bread per week. With the down turn of today’s market we are seeing more people in need. Please help us by contributing to our Food Bank Drive. STAR Catholic Outreach holds a Food Bank Drive the week of exams. This terms Food Bank Drive is from May 16th—May 20th. All non-perishable food items will be donated to the Leduc Food Bank.

3 Teachers’ Update Happy New Year and a New Term Two! Congratulations to all of our students who have finished all of their coursework and written their final exams recently! If you have received permission from your teacher to carry over a course from Term 1, ensure that you are checking in with your teacher regularly to stay on top of your deadlines - especially if writing a diploma exam in April. Remember, carry-overs are not automatically granted; you need to discuss this with your teacher first! For any students in a 30-level diploma exam course: remember that you must be completed 50% of the coursework by February 22nd, 2016 in order to be registered to write an April diploma exam. The 50% coursework deadline for June diploma exams is April 11th, 2016. For students re-writing a diploma, you need to register yourself for the exam by logging into your myPass account. There is a $26.25 fee attached to re- writing a diploma exam. You will first need to set up a myPass account, which will require your Alberta Student Number. If you are worried about meeting a deadline, or to request your ASN, contact us for help. The Key / Solaro Study Guides will be made available to students throughout the term. For all students: remember, you are welcome at the Outreach School at any time - we are here to help you and would love to discuss how to meet your goals. Make sure you are contacting us to see how you can improve your work on your modules. Pay attention to your due dates given in your course introduction letter, and make sure you are working a little bit each day. If you are running into trouble meeting your due dates, make sure you call or email your teacher (before the day it is due!) All students are provided Google and Homelogic accounts. If you do not know what your access is, contact Brandy for your login. If you are ever wondering about when we are open and closed, you can visit our website and take a look at our calendar. Also, if you “like” us on Facebook, you will receive current updates regarding any special events, early dismissal, or closed days. This is a great way to keep informed with everything happening here at the Outreach. Term 2 is bringing about a bit of change for Outreach. In Term 2, we are saying goodbye to Christine for a year as she and her husband welcome their first child. Congratulations, Christine and Joel! In Christine’s place, you will see Courtney, Ms. Clement & Mr. Malloy covering the religious education courses, PE, and CTS courses. Remember that Outreach courses tend to have a lot of reading and writing involved, so you should set a plan that allows you to work on your courses every day. Students find greater success when they can schedule time to come into Outreach and work with teacher support. Make use of our extended hours until 6pm on Wednesday’s. We are here to help you succeed! Keep up the good work everyone! God Bless, Courtney, Christine & Jenn 3

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9 January Diploma Exams are in full swing. Here is a friendly reminder of the January Diploma Exam Schedule. 9

10 April will approach us quickly, so here is just a friendly reminder of the April Diploma Exam Schedule Registration deadline for April Diploma Exams including Re-writes is: February 24, 2016

11 June will approach us quickly, so here is just a friendly reminder of the June Diploma Exam Schedule. 11 Registration deadline for June Diploma Exams including re-writes is: April 14, 2016



14 For anyone who may be interested in purchasing surplus equipment: The St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Division has compiled a list of surplus equipment that is available for purchase by the public. You can view a list of all available equipment on the Division’s website at under the News section. STAR Catholic Information



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