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Presentation on theme: "D OING P ROGRESS R EPORTS IN SEIS Fall/Winter 2012-13."— Presentation transcript:


2 You can begin the Progress Report process from either the IEP list page or from the Future IEP. From the IEP list page Click the “Write Progress” icon.

3 From the Future IEP begin on the Goal Summary Page. From the Goal Summary Page click “Go to Progress Report Summary Page”.

4 Either action will take you to the Progress Summary Page. This page is nearly identical to the Goal Summary Page but it allows you to select multiple goals for the Progress Report. Then you can write the progress for all of them on one form.

5 Select your goals by clicking in the boxes to the left. Select ALL of your goals, even those that will not be included in the final Progress Report.

6 The Goal Title will be in the grey bar. If you use the Goal Title field to identify goals that are proposed and not yet part of the IEP it will be easy to see which ones to mark as No or N/A. Write the Progress for each goal that will be included in the PR, and check Yes, No or N/A for each goal. By including ALL goals and marking No or N/A on the ones NOT to be included you are letting the Case Manager know that those goals have been reviewed. When you are done click on Update Progress on Goals.

7 This is what it will look like on the Progress Summary Page. If you overlooked any goals you can repeat the process for them. You can continue to add goals to this Progress Report up until the Progress Report is Affirmed.

8 This is what it will look like on the GOAL Summary Page. Goals are marked as updated but you need to use the link to the Progress Report Summary Page to see the PR status.

9 When the Case Manager sees that all goals have been reviewed by the creators and have a Progress Report indicator in the Ready for PR column it is time to Affirm the Progress Report. The confirmation explains that ONLY those goals with a YES in that column will actually be included in the Progress Report.

10 When the Progress Report has been Affirmed, the Ready for PR column will blank out and be ready for the next report period. The “Updated On” information will remain on both the Progress Summary and Goal Summary pages.

11 Both Progress Summary and Goal Summary pages have direct links to the other. The Progress Summary Page will have a link (Print Affirmed PR) to the Last Affirmed Progress Report. It is important for ALL the student’s goals to be updated by the goal creators before the Case Manager does the Affirm step in order to create a COMPLETE Progress Report.

12 The Affirmed Progress Report is a.PDF of the goals that had been marked as YES at the time the Case Manager Affirmed the Progress Report. It is important for ALL the student’s goals to be updated by the goal creators before the Case Manager does the Affirm step in order to create a COMPLETE Progress Report.

13 Click the “Print Progress” icon to bring up a list of all Affirmed Progress Reports that have been done for the student in SEIS. Then clicking on any Print icon in the list will open the.PDF of that Progress Report, ready to send to the printer.

14 You can also print Affirmed Progress Reports for multiple students at one time. Print for all students in your list or use the check boxes to the left to create a subset. Click “Go”. See additional support materials for more information on the report generator and ways to create custom lists.

15 On the next screen click on “Submit Print Job” Your batch print job will be processed that night and be ready to be sent to the printer the following morning.

16 Thanks for viewing this SEIS training PowerPoint!

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